Travel scams rose up to 900 percent in 18 months as generative AI makes phishing sites harder to detect, warns

Travel scams rose up to 900 percent in 18 months as generative AI makes phishing sites harder to detect, warns
Italy seizes £677m from short-term rental platform Airbnb, alleging company failed to withold appropriate taxes from landlords
Victory for irate neighbours? Airbnb confirms its temporary Covid ban on parties in its listings will now be permanent rule
Airbnb to pull out of China as ongoing zero-Covid policy places severe restrictions on domestic and international travel, focus on Chinese outbound business
Rental company Airbnb becomes latest in rush of tech firms cutting ties to Russia and its allies, with suspension of 90,000 rentals
British designer of the Apple iPhone is to head up a redesign of Airbnb's core products and services, to improve public perception
Tech companies amongst those affected by share swings as governments bolster efforts to limit economic fallout of coronavirus crisis
European Court of Justice decides Airbnb is an 'information society service' and not a real estate agent, defeating challenge by Paris city authorities
French capital sues rental platform under new rules as tourist destinations complain of antisocial side-effects of short-term rentals
Sites such as Airbnb and Spotify that use Facebook logins are unaffected by last week's massive hack, the company now believes
EU regulators want Facebook to alter its 'deceptive' terms of service to clearly state that it sells consumers' data to third parties - or face sanctions
Airbnb hosts will get a tax-free allowance worth £1,000 a year, George Osborne has revealed
Bogus login for Airbnb spotted in the wild by security researcher Malwarebytes
Marcin Kleczynski, CEO, Malwarebytes, discusses the virtues of casually dressed tech founders heading up established tech firms