As AI expands to touch every aspect of your business, how can your company embrace machine learning? What are the…
AI has continued to rapidly advance. With intelligent tools now available to businesses, how can enterprises transform their processes and…
NHS Trusts agree to allow Google to process NHS data, as DeepMind Health completes integration
Crush Analyser. Messaging app that includes an AI assistant to improve personal relationships, arrives on iOS
Sign of things to come? Human servers to be replaced by AI voice tech in drive-throughs in the US
Huawei introduces Ascend 910 AI chip and MindSpore framework as national security blacklist spurs efforts to reduce reliances on US…
Publishers say Audible's Captions feature, set to debut next month, violates copyright law by converting audiobooks to text
New chip is the size of an iPad and contains 400,000 cores to handle machine learning challenges
Fujitsu talks quantum computing, AI, self-driving vehicles, 5G, and the data analytics arms race.
Health Secretary announces £250m to be spent on boosting the role of AI within the health service
Chip implanted in the human brain by NeuraLink could allow 'symbiosis with artificial intelligence'
Big Blue's 30 year partnership at Wimbledon continues with AI used to power App and highlights programme
'Language experts' used to study small 'snippets' of user recordings gained from Google Home smart speakers
Researchers aim for a system similar to Google's TensorFlow, but with the flexibility to bring in a broader gamut of…
INTERVIEW: Rui Inácio, Head of Consultancy and Solutions at Vilicom has over 15 years of experience in the telecommunications industry,…
Board of directors rejects all shareholder proposals to tackle a range of issues for Google's workforce
University's largest ever donation from American billionaire will fund research into AI ethics
Good news for Londoners as Facebook said it will create 500 jobs by year end, mostly for content takedown
Responding to privacy and ethical concerns, Microsoft deletes facial recognition training database
Technology from the London-based start-up is to be used to track down misinformation and spam and 'improve the health of…
Report claims female-voiced Siri and Alexa entrench gender biases with submissive responses
The tool goes beyond simple spelling and grammar correction to critique a document's structure and readability
New offerings to make it easier for businesses to utilise artificial intelligence and blockchain
Elon Musk predicts 'difficult software problem' holding back self-driving cars will be solved by the end of this year
The car was gutted by a fire that began whilst it was stationary in a parking garage, firefighters said
Developers see major technical challenges in making automated cars road-worthy – and adapting to a regulatory environment that doesn't yet…
Ethical use of AI prompted Redmond to turn down chance to win police facial recognition contract
World of nastiness? Jack Dorsey admits that Twitter currently incentivised people "to post outrage"
How AI-powered comparative linguistics can help firms with their marketing efforts
Computer algorithms and artificial intelligence systems will be required to show they are neutral on race, gender and other biases