Chasing the almighty dollar. Alphabet's YouTube reportedly confirms it is delivering adverts on a user's pause screen

Chasing the almighty dollar. Alphabet's YouTube reportedly confirms it is delivering adverts on a user's pause screen
No more frantic dash to discover which browser tab is blaring out annoying video with sound as Chrome stops autoplay
Windows 10 Anniversary adds support for Edge extensions, including pop up gatekeeper Adblock Plus
Free Windows Store AdBlock apps will allow users of Microsoft’s Windows 10 browser to surf the web without annoying ads
Ad blocking app for Samsung phones pulled from Google's Play Store for breach of terms and conditions
Samsung Internet now lets users install content and ad blocking plugins
AdBlock Plus finally arrives on Apple App Store, amid promise its "whitelist" will open up to outside scrutiny
No more pesky adverts as Adblock Plus launches on both Google Play Store and Apple iOS
Network administrators can now deploy Adblock across entire enterprise with the benefit of skipping 'first run page'
Some argue that AdBlock Plus has the potential to destroy publishing revenues, so what can be done for Internet users to have their adblocking cake and eat it?
Hamburg courts give Adblock the nod in a "victory for every single Internet user"