
UK’s 2G, 3G Networks Switched Off By 2033, Government SaysUK’s 2G, 3G Networks Switched Off By 2033, Government Says

UK’s 2G, 3G Networks Switched Off By 2033, Government Says

2G and 3G mobile networks will be phased out by 2033 under government plan to help telecom suppliers deliver 5G…

3 years ago
EE Refarms 2G Spectrum To Boost 4G Speeds And ReliabilityEE Refarms 2G Spectrum To Boost 4G Speeds And Reliability

EE Refarms 2G Spectrum To Boost 4G Speeds And Reliability

EE allocates more 1800MHz spectrum for 4G to boost speeds and reliability in major cities

8 years ago
Thousands Of Miles Of UK Road ‘Has No Phone Signal’Thousands Of Miles Of UK Road ‘Has No Phone Signal’

Thousands Of Miles Of UK Road ‘Has No Phone Signal’

RAC warns that lack of signal could be life-threatening for stranded motorists

9 years ago
UK 2G Networks Might Outlast 3G As Operators Turn to LTEUK 2G Networks Might Outlast 3G As Operators Turn to LTE

UK 2G Networks Might Outlast 3G As Operators Turn to LTE

Ovum says operators will turn resources to 4G LTE, but not until 2020

10 years ago
Telefonica Vodafone Network Sharing Joint-Venture Given ApprovalTelefonica Vodafone Network Sharing Joint-Venture Given Approval

Telefonica Vodafone Network Sharing Joint-Venture Given Approval

Ofcom and Office of Fair Trading approve network sharing initiative, paving the way for shared 4G infrastructure

12 years ago
Sprint To Close Down 2G Nextel NetworkSprint To Close Down 2G Nextel Network

Sprint To Close Down 2G Nextel Network

US operator Sprint is to close its 2G Nextel network next year as part of its 4G LTE rollout plans

13 years ago
Internet Traffic In The UK Increases Seven-foldInternet Traffic In The UK Increases Seven-fold

Internet Traffic In The UK Increases Seven-fold

A report by Ofcom shows an increase in Internet traffic and has revealed the extent of the UK's mobile coverage

13 years ago
Huawei Lands Major Everything Everywhere DealHuawei Lands Major Everything Everywhere Deal

Huawei Lands Major Everything Everywhere Deal

Huawei has signed a major deal with Everything Everywhere to upgrade its 2G mobile infrastructure

14 years ago
O2 Launches First 3G Service Over 2G SpectrumO2 Launches First 3G Service Over 2G Spectrum

O2 Launches First 3G Service Over 2G Spectrum

O2 has launched an improved 3G service using the refarmed 2G mobile spectrum

14 years ago