Hortonworks Tackles Cybercrime With Open Source Apache Metron

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Apache Metron community is a vital army in the battle against cybercriminals, says Hortonworks

Hortonworks, a specialist in open and connected data platforms, has leveled up in cyber defence with Apache Metron.

Metron is an incubating open source Apache project dedicated to providing an extensible and scalable advanced security analytics platform to detect and mitigate security risks in real time.

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Having achieved incubator status with the Apache Software Foundation in December 2015, Apache Metron is billed as the next evolution of Security Incident Event Management

Kent Warren, president, ManTech Commercial Services, said: “ManTech’s in-depth experience supports the premise that effective cybersecurity can be implemented through a robust big data ecosystem like Apache Metron.

“We have found this platform has all of the right elements to enable at scale ingestion, processing, indexing, and visualisation of information like key cyber data sets to facilitate the protection, monitoring, analysis, detection, and response to nefarious unauthorised actions. Internally, we are working to align ManTech’s deep collective understanding of cyber with capabilities like Apache Metron to facilitate new best in breed solutions for our expanding customer base.”

Metron is said to help users process “unprecedented” volumes of data per second, changing the game for malware detection and prevention. When an organisation is attacked, Metron users can process and compare data from comprehensive feeds across the platform in real time. This not only facilitates enhanced detection of malware campaigns, but also impacts the economics for attackers by requiring them to customise malware for each target, according to Hortonworks.

Jamie Engesser, VP of emerging products, Hortonworks, said: “Cybersecurity professionals need real-time big data analytics to provide a comprehensive and contextually intelligent view of all security data to enable rapid detection and response to advanced security threats.

“Traditional security tools with a rules-based approach do not scale to match the speed and frequency of modern cybersecurity threats, and that is why we are so excited about the Apache Metron community’s momentum aimed at tackling this issue for the enterprise.”

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