How To Stop Your Android Devices Getting Infected By Ransomware

Security firm Bitdefender shares its top five tips to protect your devices from the virus

2 min
A person using a smartphone and a laptop. Keywords: Android, Google, iPhone.

It was recently revealed that Android users risk having their mobile devices and private content locked by a new ransomware that demands up to $1,500 to restore access.

More than 15,000 spam emails originating from Ukranian servers, including zipped files posing as an Adobe Flash Player update, have been detected. The malware downloads and installs as an innocent Video Player but when the user tries to run it, a fake error message is displayed.

The FBI?

After pressing OK to continue, users see an FBI warning and cannot escape by navigating away.

A typical ransomware page
A typical ransomware page

When it comes to ransomware, prevention is key, according to security specialist Bitdefender. Here, the firm offers its top tips to make sure your devices don’t become infected by the virus.

1. Never install applications from untrusted sources. Android blocks the installation of applications outside the Play Store by default, but there are instances when users are forced to change the settings. If possible, leave this option in its default state.

2. Regularly back up your data in the cloud or on an external drive.

3. Use an anti-malware solution for your Android device and keep it constantly updated and able to perform active scanning.

4. Follow good internet practices; avoid questionable websites, links or attachments in emails from uncertain sources.

5. Use a filter to reduce the number of infected spam emails that reach your inbox.

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