Two teenagers suspected of Tuesday’s Anti-Terrorist Hotline “phone bombing” have been arrested in West Midlands last night.
The alleged TeaMp0isoN members, aged 16 and 17, are in custody following an investigation by the Police Central e-Crime Unit (PCeU). They are accused of offences under the Malicious Communications Act and the Computer Misuse Act.
TeaMp0isoN has denied any of its members are in trouble.
One man’s meat is another man’s p0isoN
On Tuesday, hackers representing TeaMp0isoN attacked the Metropolitan Police Anti-Terrorist Hotline. They disabled the service by having an automated script make more than 700 hundred calls from a server in Malaysia during a 24 hour onslaught.
Later, the group leader TriCk called the hotline himself. He gave the officers fake details and claimed he had information related to an act of terrorism, before coming clean and admitting he was there to “embarrass the governments and f*** the police”.
Soon after, two recordings of prank calls by the hackers were leaked to YouTube. In addition, recordings have been made of private conversations between Anti-Terrorist Hotline staff, which were also posted online.
According to statements by the hackers, the attack was a response to the recent events when the Counter Terrorism Command and the UK court system extradited Babar Ahmad, Adel Abdel Bary and a few other terrorism suspects to be tried in the US.
“Public reporting is an important part of the fight against terrorism and any attempt to disrupt this service will be investigated thoroughly,” said a statement released by the Metropolitan Police.
Ailsa Beaton, Director of Information for the Metropolitan Police Service, later assured the public that the Anti-Terrorism Hotline is safe. “We have throughout the day researched the allegation that the Anti-Terrorist Hotline had been ‘hacked’ and ‘activists’ claims that they were able to listen unrestricted to confidential communications.”
“We are confident the MPS communication systems have not been breached and remain, as they always have been, secure. We are satisfied that any recording would have been made via the receiving handset only and not from an attack on internal systems.”
“The public can remain confident in the ability to communicate in confidence and that the integrity of the Anti-Terrorist Hotline remains in place,” she added. Beaton didn’t offer an explanation of how the hackers managed to record the internal office calls.
TeaMp0isoN members have denied any of their comrades have been taken into custody. They claim TriCk was “online and well” at the time of the arrests. “Do not believe everything you read,” tweeted member of the group f0rsaken earlier today.
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