The UK’s national fraud and cyber crime reporting centre, Action Fraud has issued a warning urging people to be aware of a phishing scam masquerading as a BT security email.
The centre warned that fraudsters are using the recent WannaCry ransomware attacks as a means to trick BT customers into clicking on a link in fake BT emails to apply a security update to their account.
The email attempts to trick users into clicking on the fake link by saying their account would be limited until the security update was applied.
Phishing with WannaCry warning
“If you receive one of these emails do not click on any links and follow our advice on how to stay safe. Instead, go to the BT website directly and log in from there,” advised Action Fraud.
“We are also aware that companies are sending out legitimate emails of reassurance in connection with the recent cyber attack, if in doubt contact them directly on a method other than the email you have received.”
There are legitimate emails being circulated from the likes of Virgin Media warning customers about the risks of WannaCry, so it looks like the fake BT email is trying to capitalise over the fear and chaos WannaCry has left in its wake in order to either swipe personal details for concerned BT customers or infect their machines with malware.
Action Fraud released the now default advice of not clicking on suspicious links in emails and that people keep their anti-virus software up-to-date. Silicon suggests that recipients of such suspicious emails also check the actual address the email was sent from which often can clearly reveal that the real sender was certainly not the person or company the email claims to be from.
Alongside ransomware, phishing cyber attacks are on the rise, though companies like Google are getting faster a squashing such scams that attempt to use their name for nefarious means.
Quiz: Cyber security in 2017