Press release

Yokohama Business Events Website Redesign: Discover Yokohama in the Here and Now With Technical-Visits* and New Videos!

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The Yokohama Convention & Visitors Bureau (YCVB) website is an important point of contact for convention organizers and incentive-travel planners in Japan and around the world.

Today, we are announcing that our website has been completely redesigned and now offers new and exclusive experiences for business events—experiences that can be had only in the city of Yokohama. On our new website, organizers can find convenient ways to add value to their conferences and attract more participants as people return to in-person events.

Yokohama is a global leader in international conferences with numerous event facilities, excellent accommodations, and tourist attractions conveniently located within the Yokohama bay area. Given the growing demand for close interaction with local communities and the many different types of business events, we have created a new web page featuring technical-visit programs and have given sustainability a larger place in our content.

Additionally, compelling videos of interviews with international conference organizers and local industry representatives can be viewed on the newly expanded site. Our desire is to show Yokohama in the here and now—not only to introduce the city to international organizers visiting for the first time but also to reconnect regular visitors with the city—revealing to all that such a vibrant city offers fresh discoveries to everyone every day.

In particular, our technical-visit programs offer rare insight into the spirit of innovation and the diversity of thought that thrives in the Yokohama area. We take pride in opening up this world to international attention.

YCVB creates valuable connections and exciting opportunities for event organizers, thereby enhancing the value of holding conferences in the iconic city of Yokohama.

View the redesigned website at the link below:

*Technical-visit: An inspection trip to learn about advanced technologies. (Source: JTB Research Institute Tourism Glossary)

About Yokohama Convention & Visitors Bureau:

The role of the Yokohama Convention & Visitors Bureau (YCVB) is to make use of the wealth of resources at the disposal of the City of Yokohama and the wider Kanagawa Prefecture, and promote the region as an ideal destination for both tourists and international conventions.



