Press release

Xpublisher: Lufthansa Technik Trusts in Xeditor

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Lufthansa Technik AG, the world’s leading provider of service in the field of civil aviation, now uses the XML editor Xeditor for the creation and editing of job cards. In the aviation industry, job cards serve as the basis for all of the activities in production.

During its selection process for the XML editor, Lufthansa Technik focused specifically on ensuring a web-based architecture, which would allow for easy integration into its existing CMS. In this regard, Xeditor offers the perfect solution. As a web-based system, it can be connected to the infrastructure and deployed in an extremely short time. The job cards are available centrally and digitally.

“The professional and solution-driven approach of the entire Xeditor team ensured swift, hassle-free integration into our CMS,” says Ralf Thändert, Head of IT at Lufthansa Technik. “Thanks to the web-based XML editor, our users can now work digitally and without any constraints in terms of time or location.”

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About Lufthansa Technik AG

Lufthansa Technik AG is the world’s leading provider of services for maintenance, repair, overhaul or modification in the field of civil aviation, with locations distributed across the globe in every time zone on Earth. Lufthansa Technik, a subsidiary of Deutsche Lufthansa AG, comprises technical maintenance operations and holdings employing some 20,000 people in Europe, Asia, and North America.

About Xpublisher GmbH

Xpublisher GmbH, a leading provider in the multichannel publishing space, delivers intuitive solutions for creating, managing, and automating magazine, book, and documentation publishing with Xeditor and Xpublisher. Founded in 2009, the company has been part of the Fabasoft Group since 2019. In addition to its headquarters in Munich, Germany, Xpublisher operates a subsidiary in the US. Numerous leading international companies and organizations in the publishing, aerospace, technology, education, and public administration sectors have placed their trust in Xpublisher’s products.

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