Press release

vteams Supports Fourth Annual San Diego Angel Conference as Title Sponsor

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San Diego Angel Conference (SDAC), a University of San Diego (USD) School of Business program that activates accredited angel investors and engages promising early-stage companies that drive the innovation ecosystem, announces vteams as its title sponsor for its fourth consecutive angel conference. SDAC activates deal flow by partnering with top California universities and innovation support organizations to facilitate introductions of entrepreneurs to angel investors interested in investing in companies that have potential to disrupt markets.

In SDAC IV, about 90 early-stage companies are vying for an estimated $500K+ going to the winner and runners up depending on the size of the fund. SDAC provides a full educational program, for entrepreneurs and novice and semi-experienced angels alike, that culminates in a final funding event – live and virtual – on March 24.

With an active angel group of about 90 investors who invest anywhere from $5,500 to $100,000+ each conference series, SDAC has become the largest angel investor program in the country, with more than $2.8 million in funding awarded to startups over the last three years. See a list of SDAC portfolio companies here.

SDAC IV Title Sponsor vteams (a division of NEXTWERK INC), an international software development company working with startups to publicly traded companies, says it supports SDAC because it provides funding, contacts, and knowledge innovative early-stage companies need to bring novel ideas to life.

“The most profound advances in technology are still ahead of us,“ said vteams CEO Mark Mian. “People working on these advances are all around us, tirelessly working in their garages and coworking offices. Their startups will be enabled by angel investors, whose vision and support can help move human innovation forward. This funding activity is the fast track to the future, and we are glad to be a part of it.”

SDAC activates a healthy deal flow by partnering with top California universities including University of San Diego (USD), San Diego State University (SDSU), and University of California, San Diego (UCSD), resulting in introductions to startups eager to turn discoveries into ventures.

SDAC also partners with 20+ organizations in the startup ecosystem. These connections, combined with SDAC’s reputation for excellence, enables it to attract promising startups and manage a substantial investment fund. SDAC sponsors include vteams, USD, Mintz, SDSU, First Republic Bank, Coeptus Law, Clearpoint Agency, and UCSD.

*Actual amount invested depends on the total dollars raised. Historically, investors have exceeded both the investment amount and number of companies funded.