Press release

Ventegra Launches Ventegra Access Program (VAP)

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Ventegra, Inc., a Medical Benefit Manager (MBM) that delivers innovative, cost-efficient pharmaceutical and healthcare solutions to payors, providers, and patients, today announced the launch of the Ventegra Access Program (VAP). The program underscores Ventegra’s deep understanding of the value of the coordinated care delivery model and serves the needs of those with similar goals and objectives.

Brian Vossler, Vice President, Business Development, says, “The Ventegra Access Program (VAP) is a vital and important evolution on a point-of-sale rebate program that delivers the net contract cost to the payor at the point of adjudication. A key feature of VAP is its ability to calculate any patient copayment based upon such net cost, thus providing additional value to the patient, and ensuring that the appropriate value from any discounts and rebates are passed along to the patient and consumer.”

In addition, a key benefit of VAP is its capacity to provide additional streamlining and efficiencies for participating contract pharmacies and pharmaceutical manufacturers, reducing costs in our healthcare system for all payors and most importantly, for patients.

Robert T. Taketomo, Pharm.D., MBA, President/CEO, explains, “The Ventegra Access Program (VAP) is consistent with the unique business model represented by Ventegra as a Medical Benefit Manager (MBM). VAP allows us to leverage the unique and proprietary discount pricing we receive directly from the pharmaceutical industry in ways that are not available through other aggregators of discounts and classes-of-trade like Pharmacy Benefit Manager (PBM) and Group Purchasing Organizations (GPOs).”

Adds Dr. Taketomo, “For 20 years, Ventegra has offered a single, turnkey solution for clients interested in managing their medical and pharmacy benefit programs with integrity, quality, and complete transparency around data and costs of care. The Ventegra business model was designed to fundamentally realign financial incentives focusing on value-based care and total healthcare cost. VAP is consistent with this direction and represents part of the next iteration of the Ventegra MBM program.”

In 2014, Ventegra received a unique class-of-trade designation after extensive internal and external legal review by a major pharmaceutical corporation. By the end of 2019, essentially all pharmaceutical company agreements with Ventegra reflected the MBM class-of-trade designation and the unique warranties and representations that the industry has associated with this class-of-trade. Subsequent legal review over the years has supported and substantiated Ventegra’s unique qualifications as a MBM that can, in appropriate circumstances, co-exist alongside other classes-of-trade.

For more information, please contact Brian Vossler at

About Ventegra, Inc.

Ventegra, Inc. is the legacy Ventegra that is dedicated to servicing Ventegra Foundation. A complex transition process has begun, and over time, Ventegra, Inc.’s mission will be fully assumed by Ventegra Foundation.

About Ventegra Foundation

Ventegra Foundation is a California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation. Its mission is to establish new channels for delivering better efficiencies and more cost-effective healthcare for the community that is served. Ventegra Foundation is expected to be fully operational by June 30, 2024.