Press release

Turing School of Software & Design Announces New Launch Program for Start-of-Career Software Developers

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Federally accredited academic institution Turing School of Software & Design today announced its new Launch program, a nine-month curriculum designed for individuals ages 18-26 who are eager to start programming careers.

Over the past eight years, Turing School has earned an elite reputation with tech companies as well as for graduates who are proficient in the technical and professional skills needed to be successful. Turing School is applying its proven expertise to help students qualify for paid internships and entry-level programming positions through the Launch program.

“At a moment of national reckoning over student debt, stagnant wages and inflation, the potential for a career-starter to see a 100% jump in salary after only nine months in the online classroom is a valuable alternative to traditional four-year computer science programs,” said Jeff Casimir, Executive Director for Turing School.

Discourse around the burden of college loan debt—which averages 12 years to pay off—has students and established professionals alike questioning the rate of return on traditional higher education. In comparison, graduates of Turing School’s flagship curricula are able to recoup their tuition and time out of work within 18 months of matriculating.

The Launch program prepares future programmers for real-world career demands with a variety of technical and professional skills, from proficiency in various code languages to familiarity with development sprints, working collaboratively and effective team communication. Turing School has also tailored Launch as a viable alternative to more traditional two- and four-year degrees. The school’s fully remote, project-based instructional approach is designed so students can focus on their studies without losing access to their support networks—a valuable benefit for many nontraditional students.

“Being able to complete the Launch program from home—without the expense of either room and board or a commute—lowers barriers to rewarding careers,” said Eric Weissman, Director of Research and Development and one of the key architects of the Launch program. “After the huge disruptions of the pandemic, that’s more important than ever.”

A $15 hourly wage amounts to $32,000 in pre-tax annual income, which is not a livable wage in most U.S. states, according to MIT-collected data. In comparison, the average starting salary for software developers is $60,000.

Turing School is currently accepting applications for its first Launch cohort that begins January 2023. Prospective students can also preview the experience with Turing School’s Try Coding courses to get a feel for the instruction process. For more information, visit

About Turing School

Since 2014, Turing School has built its reputation as one of the top code schools in the country. Its flagship full-time programs are accredited by the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training, and at least 50% of instructors have on-the-job experience as developers as well as educators. Turing School is also distinguished by its non-profit status, utilizing 90% of collected tuition to further its educational mission. You can learn more about Turing School here.