Press release

TopQuadrant Releases TopBraid Enterprise Data Governance 6.2

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TopQuadrant™, a provider of data governance solutions using knowledge
graph technologies, today announced the latest release of its flagship
product, TopBraid Enterprise Data Governance (EDG) 6.2.

“The capabilities of knowledge graphs to provide meaning and connections
for data continue to dominate our conversations, both with customers and
prospects, including how they provide a foundation for data governance,
cognitive computing and enterprise applications of AI/machine learning,”
said Irene Polikoff, CEO and co-founder of TopQuadrant. “It is our goal
to work with our customers to connect and enrich all of their data and
knowledge graphs are an ideal solution.”

TopBraid EDG is an enterprise knowledge graph for data governance and
supports integrated data governance across diverse types of data assets
and governance needs. Key capabilities introduced in 6.2 include:

Enhanced User Experience

  • Role-centric views of resources powered by integration of GraphQL,
    SHACL and RDF data
  • Integration with external knowledge graphs such as Wikipedia
  • Enhanced search panes for Taxonomies, Ontologies and Crosswalks
  • Wizards for building new resource shapes and creating rules

New Governance Capabilities

  • Governance roles can now be used to fully manage different access to
    asset collections and to specific functions within them
  • Greatly extended scope of data lineage and impact analysis with
    support for multiple types of data flows and their related business
  • Out of the box support for Data Graphs as a way to create and manage
    collections of any assets

Data Quality Improvements

  • EDG can learn likely business rules from sample data
  • Users can now validate data prior to importing it
  • Crosswalks are enhanced with better access to auto-mapping,
    pluggability of mapping algorithms and ability to create different
    connection types

Performance and Scalability Improvements

  • Throughout the product, including resource views, lineage diagrams and
    lists of available asset collections

To learn more and view a comprehensive list of capabilities for TopBraid
Release 6.2, see the TopBraid
6.2 Release Notes.

About TopQuadrant

TopQuadrant helps organizations succeed in data governance with TopBraid
Enterprise Data Governance (TopBraid EDG). EDG is built on
standards-based knowledge graph technology to seamlessly bring together
enterprise information silos, connect enterprise metadata, ensure its
quality and deliver easy and meaningful access for all data
stakeholders. TopBraid EDG lets enterprises govern all relevant assets
including business terms, reference data, enterprise metadata, data and
application catalogs, data lineage, data exchanges and pipelines,
requirements, policies, and processes. TopBraid EDG is the only solution
built to support integrated governance across all types of assets and
governance needs while, at the same time, offering a staged approach to
data governance. TopQuadrant’s customer list includes organizations in
financial services, pharma, healthcare, digital media, government and
other sectors.