Press release

TheFormTool® Adds a Dozen Features to Aurora webData™, Its Flagship Office Productivity Software

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TheFormTool, LLC’s Aurora webData™ is already the leading office productivity solution that seamlessly combines remote data collection with secure storage and the best document assembly and automation software in the world.

Now Aurora 2.0 adds conditional questions so that online interviews can self-customize on the fly, replacing the old, uncomfortable one-size-fits-all approach. Firms of all types can suddenly afford to invite dozens or thousands of clients, customers, or vendors to answer bespoke interviews created especially for them. Aurora 2.0 accelerates moving “data entry” out of the office and off of the income statement, while speeding service and eliminating errors. In addition to conditional questions, Aurora 2.0 adds 11 other features and functions to make life better for our customers and their audiences.

Moving data entry out of the office is the last frontier in document assembly and automation. Now software from TheFormTool offers its customers two elegant solutions to the challenge of moving closer to 100% efficiency.

Customers repeatedly credit TheFormTool’s family of software with tripling office productivity for information workers, typically eliminating errors while saving 71% of the time previously wasted creating repetitive documents. With Aurora 2.0, the time savings can easily exceed 95%, yielding productivity gains of 20 times or more over offices without the Aurora advantage.

Aurora 2.0 and its siblings from TheFormTool (TheFormTool PRO, Doxserá, Doxserá DB, and Aurora) offer firms the benefits of an enormous technological leap without requiring investments from programmers, developers, or IT departments. The decision to advance into the future is both that simple and that sophisticated, while the result is that tangible, all for an amazing $795.

About TheFormTool, LLC

Founded in 2011, TheFormTool, LLC distributes a family of award-winning software and services that offer simple-to-use but extremely powerful solutions for efficient document assembly and automation. Now, with Aurora the company is adding remote data collection and storage to its offerings. Its software is used in firms large and small in more than 200 industries and 80 countries, including thousands of American law firms.

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