Press release

Stuart Cook Joins the True Digital Network as CEO and Opens the Network to All Bankers

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True Digital Network, a bankers only network for collaboration, is excited to announce Stuart Cook, formerly Chief Innovation Officer at Valley National Bank, as the new Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Patrick Sells, CEO of True Digital Group, shared “We built this Network for bankers and there could be no better outcome than for a proven banking executive like Stuart to lead it going forward. Stuart’s career experience, and most recent time at Valley Bank, is a perfect fit and I’m beyond thrilled for the journey ahead and the transformation possible through leaders like Stuart and all of the forward-thinking bankers within the True Digital Network.” Patrick Sells will continue to serve as the CEO of the parent company, True Digital Group, and focus on assisting Stuart as well as building new means of collaboration for bankers on top of the Network.

True Digital’s evolution reflects a story of collaboration and inclusivity. The True Digital Network, initially created to meet the specific requirements of bankers and their relationships with vendors, has now expanded its reach, expertise, and delivery capabilities. By working with a variety of partners and advisors, True Digital has been able to tap into additional value-add capabilities when it comes to vendors, as well as bank-built technology.

Stuart shared, “It’s an honor to be able to serve the banking industry through leading the True Digital Network. As I got to know the True Digital team and traveled across the country meeting with the many banks already on the Network it was so clear to me that it’s time for a fundamental change in the industry as to how we do business. Collaboration is not just the only way we as an industry can continue to exist, it’s how we can truly thrive.” As Stuart’s first decision as CEO of True Digital Network he has decided to make access to the Network available to all bankers – today.

True Digital’s just-released mobile app, called ‘True Digital Network’, is now available to download on iOS and Android via the App Store and Google Play respectively.

All bankers with a valid bank or credit union email address are eligible to create a free account and join the Network as an individual. As a user of the True Digital Network bankers can see a directory of the vendors and products verified to be in use by banks and credit unions in the Network, organized into one of their 300+ banking categories or goals. Bankers can also search for banks or credit unions to connect with and message other bankers in the app directly, plus explore innovative technologies built in-house by banks and credit unions on the Network. It’s the easiest way to connect with other innovative bankers, grow your network, and discover new products and technology.

The paid version of the True Digital Network remains available at the financial institution level, to all banks or credit unions in the U.S., providing access to the full features of the Network.

While Stuart was at Valley he built and oversaw a $100M Corporate Venture Capital (CVC) Fund, amongst other responsibilities. His background in understanding the needs of banks as well as the fintech and technology landscape will be invaluable to the True Digital Network. Ira Robbins, CEO at Valley National Bank shared, “We are very grateful for all of the contributions and leadership Stuart provided Valley National Bank and I couldn’t be more excited for him and True Digital as they work to connect the industry in a new way and help banks of all sizes more efficiently be in the business of banking.”

About True Digital

True Digital is a collaborative network designed for bankers, and only for bankers, to help foster innovation and transformation through collaboration. To learn more about True Digital, go to and connect on LinkedIn. Under the leadership of Stuart Cook as CEO, True Digital is poised for a new era of growth and collaboration.