Press release

State Fund to Launch Revolutionary Utilization Review Solution

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State Fund announced today that it will soon launch a revolutionary
utilization review (UR) technology called UR Connected. The system will
dramatically speed up the approval process for most UR requests and help
physicians treat their patients faster and more effectively. By
providing physicians with real-time approvals in most cases, UR
Connected will help injured workers return to work as quickly as
possible. The technology will also reduce the administrative burden felt
by physicians during the current UR process.

During UR, an insurance administrator reviews treatment recommendations
for an injured worker requested by his or her doctor, as required by
California law. UR Connected leverages Conexia’s real-time point-of-care
technology to respond to most UR requests in seconds, rather than days
(as is often the case today).

“UR Connected will speed up medical care for injured workers and reduce
the administrative burden on medical providers while maintaining the
quality of care standard adopted by California,” said State Fund
President and CEO Vern Steiner. “This will help eliminate many of the
concerns we hear expressed by injured workers and providers today, and
we believe it will ultimately enable us to allow providers more
discretion to develop individualized treatment plans without increasing
the risk of abuse that has plagued the California workers’ compensation

State Fund is revolutionizing healthcare delivery in California workers’
compensation with this innovative end-to-end solution. Beginning this
summer via key access points such as direct integration services and a
web-based portal, medical providers will be able to connect with State
Fund in real time—a first for workers’ compensation carriers in

“Interoperable healthcare delivery, the idea of providing relevant
information in real-time at the point-of-care, is an idea whose time has
come,” said Conexia Chief Executive Officer Luis Navas. “We are very
pleased to have the opportunity to partner with State Fund to deliver on
this idea by bringing our state-of-the-art solutions to California’s
complex workers’ compensation system.”

In addition to all of the benefits UR Connected will deliver to patients
and doctors, the system will also improve State Fund’s claims efficiency
and, over time, help direct more premium dollars toward patient care.

For more information about State Fund, please visit

For information about Conexia Inc., please visit

About State Fund

Established in 1914 by the state legislature, State Fund is California’s
most reliable provider of workers’ compensation insurance and a vital
asset to California businesses. State Fund supports California’s
entrepreneurial spirit and plays a stabilizing role in the economy by
providing fairly priced workers’ compensation insurance, helping
California employers keep their workplaces safe, and restoring injured

About Conexia

Conexia is a technology services provider with over twenty years’
experience transforming healthcare delivery. Conexia’s innovative
real-time point of care model enables more efficient administrative
processes, meaningful collaboration between patients, providers, and
payers, and measurable improvement in claims outcomes. Conexia Inc. is
headquartered in Texas, with a California Center of Excellence in