Press release

Solarflare Launches Revolutionary Cloud Onload Application Acceleration Platform

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the leader in application-optimized network solutions, today announced
the Cloud Onload® application acceleration platform designed to allow
data centers to reclaim 25 percent or more in server resources, by
improving server efficiency and performance. The first in a planned
family of application acceleration products, Cloud Onload is the
cornerstone of the company’s plan to remove billions of dollars of waste
from today’s private and public cloud infrastructure investments.
Customers can convert wasted servers into valuable services for their
customers, leading to increased revenue and lower costs.

“Today’s consumers expect advanced e-commerce shopping experiences,
enhanced video streaming, and generally higher service levels at
falling, or at most, equal prices,” said Russell Stern, president and
CEO at Solarflare. “Our groundbreaking Cloud Onload application
acceleration platform is a major step forward for data centers that want
to provide superior end-user experiences, while saving millions of
dollars in new infrastructure investments.”

According to International
Data Corporation
, cloud IT infrastructure revenues surpassed
traditional IT infrastructure revenues for the first time in the third
quarter of 2018, and totaled $66.1 billion for the year. Cloud Onload
disrupts this trend by significantly reducing how much operators must
spend to build out their cloud data centers. A large cloud data center
operator undertaking a million-server buildout can achieve equivalent
capacity with 25 percent fewer servers using Cloud Onload, resulting in
a savings of over $1 billion. The software improves the scalability of
all network applications for cloud networks based on Linux, which The
Linux Foundation
says runs 90 percent of the public cloud workload
and IDC
has identified as the only endpoint operating system growing at a global

“Solarflare’s patented kernel bypass technology, which has become the de
facto standard for the world’s electronic trading platforms, enables
Cloud Onload to improve application acceleration by as much as 10X while
significantly reducing CPU utilization,” said Steve Pope, co-founder and
CTO at Solarflare. “The demand for this approach grows with the adoption
of faster networks and modern web applications.”

How Cloud Onload Accelerates

Cloud Onloaddramatically accelerates and scales a data
center’s network-intensive in-memory databases, software load balancers,
and web servers so a single server can do the work of four with improved
reliability, enhanced quality of service (QoS), and higher return on

The platform reduces latency while increasing transaction rates for
nearly all network-intensive Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
applications on physical servers as well as in virtualized environments.
Benchmark testing has demonstrated the following performance

  • In-memory databases including Couchbase, Memcached, and Redis: 2X
  • Software load balancers including NGINX and HAProxy: 2-10X
  • Web servers/applications including NGINX and Node.js: 50 percent

Data centers can use the platform to achieve Remote Direct Memory Access
(RDMA)-like performance without any modifications to existing software
applications. Tailored to run in any Linux environment, whether open
source, bare metal, virtual machine, or container, Cloud Onload is fully
POSIX compliant to ensure compatibility with TCP-based applications,
management tools, and network infrastructures.


Available now, Solarflare’s Cloud Onload application acceleration
platform runs on 10/25/40/50/100GbE networks. For more information about
Cloud Onload, visit

About Solarflare

Founded in 2001, Solarflare is the global leader in
application-optimized network solutions. From software to silicon,
Solarflare delivers a comprehensive, integrated set of technologies for
distributed, ultra-scale, software-defined data centers. Solarflare is
headquartered in Irvine, Calif., with R&D facilities in San Diego;
Cambridge, UK; and New Delhi.

On April 24, 2019, Xilinx,
Inc. announced their intent to acquire Solarflare. The acquisition is
expected to close in the third calendar quarter of 2019.

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