Press release

Quarter Tackles Home Affordability

Sponsored by Businesswire

Quarter Inc. – the nation’s first technology platform for financing home purchases using fractional equity instead of debt – is introducing the Quarter Launch Fund to scale up operations, including financing approximately 300 additional homes.

Unlike organizations incentivizing investments in rental properties, Quarter has created a completely new patented model that allows people and entities to invest in owner-occupied residential real estate. Quarter’s technology platform unites consumers who want to buy a home or replace their existing mortgage with investors who want to invest in single family residential properties. Homebuyers purchase a home just like they would with a mortgage and live in the home with all of the privileges of homeownership. But with Quarter, a typical monthly payment is as much as 50% cheaper than a mortgage and 20-30% lower than comparable rent payments.

Shannon Diesch, CEO of Quarter, comments, “Our mission is to profoundly change people’s lives. Making housing more affordable not only allows more people to become homeowners, but – because housing is the largest expense for the average American – it also allows paychecks to go further. The Quarter Launch Fund will enable us to attain major milestones on our way to achieving this mission.”

The timing of Quarter’s launch is relevant. Quarter’s model enables those who cannot afford traditional mortgage financing, including many of Gen Z and Millennial first-time buyers locked out of the current market, to become homeowners.

Making the Quarter Launch Fund particularly attractive to investors is the ability to leverage features unique to Quarter’s patented model that allow the Quarter Launch Fund to blend the high return profile of a VC-type investment with the lower risk profile of a real estate investment,” Diesch added.

Investors can learn more about the Quarter Model and receive additional information about the Quarter Launch Fund, on the Quarter investor site at Quarter Launch Fund.

About Quarter

Quarter is a platform that fractionalizes homes through a unique, patented model based on an equity investment instead of traditional mortgage debt, enabling people and entities to invest in a new asset class of owner-occupied residential real estate.

Quarter directly unites fractional housing investors with consumers looking to purchase a home or refinance an existing mortgage. By removing the middlemen, Quarter enables homeowners to significantly reduce closing costs and monthly payments, making home ownership accessible and affordable for potentially millions, while at the same time providing investors with passive, interest-rate-agnostic, diversified returns; with regular cash flow and accelerated appreciation – surpassing REITs and rental properties on both Returns and Risk profiles.

About the Quarter Launch Fund

The Quarter Launch Fund is commencing a $147.25M Reg D Capital Raise which will be used to further develop infrastructure and to scale up operations on Quarter’s technology platform, including financing approximately 300 additional homes using the Quarter Model. Unlike Quarter’s technology platform, the Quarter Launch Fund is a closed-end fund open only to accredited investors. Investors in the Quarter Launch Fund do not own any interest in Quarter or Quarter’s technology platform and are making no direct investment on the Quarter’s technology platform.

Investors receive monthly cash flow generated through the Quarter Launch Fund’s ownership of securities (“Tokens”) that represent economic interests in the properties in which the Quarter Launch Fund invests, as well as capital gains, as the appreciation accrued by the Quarter Launch Fund during its Term will be converted into monies through the sale of Tokens on a secondary market (which will be created by Quarter but does not currently exist). In addition, investors in the Quarter Launch Fund will benefit from the Derivative Returns generated by Quarter’s patented LAT Tokens. This provides an additive return underpinned by platform-wide growth and home appreciation. Combined with the monthly cash flow, and monies from accrued appreciation, the forecasted return to investors in the Launch Fund is 25.04% IRR.

Investor Notice

Investments in early-stage companies are speculative, involve a high degree of risk, are generally illiquid, and can be different from traditional markets. Investors in early-stage companies should be prepared to lose some or all of their investment. Investors should read all of the risks and disclosures prior to making any investment decisions. Offers to sell, or the solicitations of offers to buy any security can only be made through official offering documents that contain important information about risks, fees and expenses. Investors should conduct their own due diligence, and are encouraged to consult with a financial professional. Past performance is not indicative of future results. There is no guarantee that a diversified portfolio will enhance overall returns, outperform a non-diversified portfolio, or prevent loss.

Forward-Looking Statements

Any statements herein which contain such terms as “may,” “will,” “should,” “expect,” “anticipate,” “estimate,” “target,” “intend,” “continue” or “believe” or other variations thereon or comparable terminology are forward-looking statements (including any projections) and not historical facts. No assurance, representation or warranty is made by any person that any forward-looking statements or projections will be achieved and you should not rely on such forward-looking statements or projections. None of Quarter, 509 Holdings, the Launch Fund, their affiliates or any of the respective directors, officers, employees, partners, shareholders, advisers or agents of any of the foregoing makes any assurance, representation or warranty as to the accuracy of any forward-looking statement or projection. Nothing contained herein may be relied upon as a guarantee, promise or forecast or a representation as to the future.