Press release

New Website Launched by Donate Life Hollywood Helps Scriptwriters Tell Accurate Stories About Organ Donation and Transplantation

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Scriptwriters, producers and film companies telling stories about organ donation and transplantation now have a trusted ally in assuring accuracy and relevance in their work thanks to a new website launched today by Donate Life Hollywood. The site——provides access to medical experts and real-life stories of people touched by donation and transplantation while also assisting with casting, production and publicity support.

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“We know that Hollywood wants to get it right when it comes to organ donation and that when they don’t it can perpetuate fears and myths that cost lives,” said DLH Founder Tenaya Wallace. “Conversely, when Hollywood tells inspiring and authentic storylines, it can shed light on the power and beauty of organ donation and on how it gives people a second chance at life.”

DLH serves as a liaison between the organ donation community and the entertainment industry. Its goal is to see more authentic and empowering storytelling about donation and transplantation, while also eliminating myths and fears. Through DLH, film companies, television programs, entertainment studios, producers and writers have access to a network of experts—from renowned transplant surgeons to families whose loved ones became an organ donor—for free consultations on all aspects of organ, eye and tissue donation and transplantation.

Wallace says that the new website was designed to provide writers with the information they need, in a format they want, and is based on a series of conversations with top writers to understand the kind of content they are seeking when creating storylines. One example, she said, are the “Real Life Stories,” which are videos of recipients, candidates, living donors and donor families talking about the donation and transplant process. “These short videos are in direct response to writers telling us that they wanted to hear and see video to get an authentic voice for a character,” said Wallace.

One of the most unique features of the website is the “DLH Scorecard”—an online tool for both writers and people touched by donation to “score” a storyline. Writers can use the scorecard while they are writing a script to see how authentic their storyline is and to assure they are staying away from perpetuating myths and fears. DLH will, in turn, use the scorecard to determine which episodes/storylines receive a DLH Inspire Award.

“Working with DLH has been truly amazing,” said Y. Shireen Razack, a writer on NBC’s “New Amsterdam.” “Not only have they provided expert consultation on storylines, but they have also helped promote our storytelling within the donation community. DLH has been a great resource and a wonderful partner. I’m so grateful for the work they do to help writers like me tell accurate stories that promote organ donation. There is nothing more beautiful than the gift of life.”

In addition to assisting scriptwriters, is also available to assist non-scripted shows by providing access to transplant centers and experts. It also has the ability to assist with publicity by engaging the donation and transplantation community to support positive portrayals of the issue. This is achieved, in part, through the DLH Activate App, a unique mobile platform launched in March that engages and encourages individuals to take action at the touch of a button on their phones and in doing so leverage and amplify the social media networks of the Donate Life community.

DLH is an initiative of OneLegacy and the OneLegacy Foundation, in conjunction with more than 20 nationwide partners representing organizations from the donation and transplant community including organ procurement organizations, tissue banks and transplant centers.

You can follow Donate Life Hollywood on Twitter at @DL_Hollywood, on Instagram at @DL_Hollywood or on Facebook at @DLHCampaign.

About OneLegacy

OneLegacy is a nonprofit organization dedicated to saving lives through organ, eye and tissue donation in seven counties in Southern California: Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, Ventura, Santa Barbara and Kern. It serves more than 200 hospitals, 11 transplant centers, a diverse population of nearly 20 million, donors and families across the region, and waiting recipients across the country. For more information, visit