Press release

More than 70% of the Brand Leaders for Video or Personalization Reach Customers with Personalized Video, reveals SundaySky

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More than 70% of the brands who rank in the top ten for either
personalization or video, as rated by their customers, use the two
strategies together in the form of personalized video, according to a
new consumer study from SundaySky
ranking industry leaders on personalization and video marketing.
SundaySky surveyed customers of more than 60 household names to gauge
customer satisfaction with brand efforts in both personalization and
video spaces, scoring the leaders of retail, travel, healthcare,
telecommunications, insurance and financial services in the new Personalization
x Video Index

Separately, video and personalization are proven strategies for
providing value to customers and improving customer satisfaction, and
the convergence of these two approaches lifts consumers’ satisfaction
with brand efforts. Consumers universally rated brands’ personalization
efforts higher than they rated their video efforts. Bank of America
achieved top rating for personalization in SundaySky’s Personalization x
Video Index due to positive customer experience across advertising and
owned media channels. In the financial industry, the brand beat out
American Express in both personalization and video ratings. Overall,
brands in the financial services industry have the highest
personalization scores compared to other industries, likely due to high
competition for seamless brand experiences and personalization for
customers to bank anytime across multiple channels. The travel industry
rated the highest in video, which can be attributed to the plethora of
footage that brands leverage from destinations, activities, properties
and other visual content.

“Online video can serve digital business strategy professionals by
increasing brand awareness, educating customers about products and
services, and helping with lead generation, cross-selling, and
upselling,” writes Nick Barber, Forrester analyst, in his April 2019
report Financial Services Firms Should Weave Online Video Into Every
Customer Journey. “Specifically, video can… encourage customers to
buy, … increase [their] satisfaction, [and] connect with [them] on an
emotional level.”

The Personalization x Video Index highlights leaderboards in several
industries. Sephora leads Amazon for the top retail ratings in both
personalization and video. Walmart earned 12th place ranking
in both personalization and video, while Target is listed among the top
five retailers. Verizon
and AT&T led T-Mobile and Sprint on both personalization and video, with
Verizon taking top marks against all telecommunications brands measured.

“Consumers have access to unprecedented amounts of information and
options, and as new entrants compete for their attention, brands need to
compete on a dimension of customer experience where each experience is
personal, valuable and emotionally engaging to each person,” said Jim
Dicso, CEO of SundaySky. “For the world’s biggest brands to attract,
retain and ensure happy customers, SundaySky provides the platform and
expertise they need for personalized, emotionally rich video that also
scales across their millions of customers.”

SundaySky’s research also revealed that only 29 percent of consumers
reported the efforts to use their data for personalized experiences in
consistent and seamless ways were satisfactory. SundaySky researchers
advise brands need to incorporate personalization in video marketing
strategies to keep up with demand, and there’s room for personalization
improvement to ensure great consumer experiences. This advice comes from
another recent study done by SundaySky on how personalized video can
boost customer experience Net Promoter Scores. The study showed that the
use of personalized video as a customer experience strategy correlates
with up to a 48-point increase in NPS.

Additional SundaySky resources:

About SundaySky
SundaySky combines the power of
personalization with the emotion of video to transform customer
relationships, one person at a time. Its proprietary Personalized Video
Marketing Cloud™ powers billions of video experiences annually for the
world’s leading brands, including AT&T, Citi, Staples, UnitedHealthcare,
Verizon, and more. In 2017, SundaySky generated more than $1.4 billion
in measured value for its customers, attributed to higher revenue, lower
care costs, and improved customer loyalty. Headquartered in New York
City, SundaySky has additional offices in Tel Aviv and Tokyo. Please
for more information.