Press release

MNG Health Increases Rep Access to HCPs With New Automated Virtual Event Campaign Functionality

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MNG Health announces the launch of the next generation of its SpeakerDirect™ solution. SpeakerDirect now includes new portal functionality that enables sales representatives to seamlessly invite, monitor, and engage targeted healthcare professionals (HCPs) throughout the entire virtual speaker event lifecycle. The solution operates within MNG’s Engage360 ecosystem, ensuring data from across the HCP journey is centrally recorded, delivering insights and analytics for ongoing HCP engagement purposes.

70% of HCPs say that virtual events have directly influenced their prescribing behavior.1

MNG recognizes the challenges presented with engaging HCPs across all mediums, and therefore has evolved its connected SpeakerDirect solution to help clients provide a holistic virtual campaign experience, initiated by sales representatives.

“We are pleased to introduce this new functionality that enables sales reps to better reach targets with our virtual solutions. Target HCP integration, automated communications, and HCP participation monitoring make it easy for reps to engage customers via our unique virtual channels,” says Krister Hammar, SVP Solutions, MNG Health.

SpeakerDirect aligns speaker-driven program objectives with sales representative and HCP virtual event user experiences. MNG streamlines the process by targeting specific HCPs, adding a one-click registration for participants, keeping reps up to date on event recruitment insights and activity, and automating communications before and after campaigns.

“The addition of these newly released capabilities reinforces our goal of seamless HCP journeys throughout our clients’ marketing ecosystems via hybrid rep functionality. Leveraging sales reps as a ‘friendly-from’ has proven to bolster HCP engagement at a time when brands are looking for innovative ways to gain access to their target audiences,” says Michael Kelly, MNG’s Chief Commercial Officer.

SpeakerDirect is available now. For more information and to receive a live demo of the solution, click here.

1MNG Health Survey (Q4,2021) of HCPs within the MNG Health network

About MNG Health:

MNG Health leverages its connected ecosystem and proprietary data insights to efficiently deliver technology-enabled marketing solutions for life sciences brands and enterprises. Proprietary technology enables dynamic deployment of omnichannel offerings resulting in personalized customer experiences. From national virtual broadcasts, virtual advisory boards, sales rep-triggered communications, and non-personal promotion, MNG Health delivers connected journeys for HCPs and patients.