Press release

Mitsubishi Electric’s ME Innovation Fund Invests in QunaSys Startup

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Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (TOKYO: 6503) announced today that its ME Innovation Fund has invested in QunaSys, Inc., a leading Japanese startup that has gathered diverse research scientists to develop innovative algorithms that maximize the potential of quantum computing, including through applications that can be used without special expertise. QunaSys’s active involvement in quantum-computing research and development includes management of the QPARC industry consortium to help partners learn about quantum computers.

Through the investment, QunaSys aims to apply its research toward practical new applications. In partnership with Mitsubishi Electric, QunaSys will accelerate its research and development of quantum-chemical calculations and quantum machine learning as well as the fusion of these fields. The two parties look forward to strengthening their working relationship in order to tackle major challenges in the manufacturing industry.

Quantum computing enables companies to solve problems exponentially faster than in the case of using conventional computers. Many applications are being considered for quantum computers, including quantum chemical calculations and quantum machine learning.

Tennin Yan, CEO of QunaSys, Inc. said: “Demands are increasing for new materials, especially those with low environmental impact. High-precision quantum chemical calculations, which can only be achieved by using quantum computers, are expected to help reduce the time and cost of research and development as well as facilitate more efficient exploration.”

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