Press release

Mercer Advisors Upgrades Its Organic Growth Processes With Catchlight

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Aiming to bolster organic growth and ensure highly tailored engagement with potential clients, Mercer Global Advisors, Inc. (“Mercer Advisors”), a national Registered Investment Adviser (RIA), will fortify its digital, direct-to-consumer sales and marketing campaigns with Catchlight. Mercer Advisors, among the fastest-growing RIAs with more than 290 advisors and 85 offices nationwide, has built a powerful growth process and will add Catchlight as an integral component to a lead acquisition strategy that hinges on quickly identifying higher value leads that meet their criteria and utilizing insights to accelerate engagement on a large scale.

Mercer Advisors will use Catchlight’s insights of prospective clients to rapidly build a more complete understanding of each prospect’s financial landscape and anticipated needs. Insights such as the Catchlight Score(SM), a prediction of a prospect’s likelihood to convert to a client, and estimated investable assets and other key characteristics, can position Mercer Advisors to optimize its client acquisition processes, and initiate more meaningful, personalized contact with its leads. By incorporating Catchlight into its data-driven sales strategy, Mercer Advisors can route leads to the advisors best suited to their circumstances and setting the stage for a stronger advisor-client relationships.

“The decision of any new client to allow an advisor to guide their financial future is rooted in trust,” said Gary Foodim, Chief Marketing Officer of Mercer Advisors. “Our persona-based strategy for organic growth succeeds by showing prospective clients that we understand the goals and purposes that drive them. Catchlight helps us prioritize our lead engagement efforts and expand our ability to earn that trust from each prospect’s first interaction with Mercer Advisors, allowing us to deliver on our promise of being a family office for their family.”

Mercer Advisors will also use Catchlight’s insights to help validate and optimize its marketing strategy. By highlighting similar attributes among prospects and tracking conversion rates through Catchlight, Mercer Advisors can tailor its persona-based marketing campaigns to deliver the right messages to the right audience.

“Mercer Advisors has developed a sharp vision of the role that data and personalization play in sustained organic growth in the RIA space,” said Yelena Melamed, Catchlight Co-Founder and Head of Product. “They set a high standard for best practices that contribute to the success of their advisors, and we’re elated to play a role in their strategy.”

About Catchlight

Founded in 2020, Catchlight is dedicated to helping advisors be more efficient in their outreach, personalize their approach, and be increasingly effective in converting leads to new clients. Through rich data intelligence and proprietary AI-powered insights for sales and marketing, Catchlight pinpoints an advisor’s best opportunities. Catchlight helps advisors quickly identify which leads to pitch and how to best engage them. For more information, visit or email at Follow Catchlight on LinkedIn and Twitter. ©2024 Catchlight Insights LLC. All rights reserved.

About Mercer Advisors

Established in 1985, Mercer Global Advisors Inc. (“Mercer Advisors”) is a full-service wealth management firm that specializes in providing investment advice, financial and estate planning, and taxes, and trustee services. It is one of the largest Registered Investment Advisers and financial planning firms in the U.S. with $56 billion in client assets. Headquartered in Denver, Mercer Advisors is privately held, has over 1060 employees, and operates nationally across the country with over 85 locations. Mercer Advisors, Inc. is a parent company of Mercer Global Advisors Inc. (RIA) and Regis Acquisition Inc., both are majority owned by Oak Hill Capital, Genstar Capital, and Altas Partners.

Company statistics as of December 31, 2023. Client assets refers to client assets under management (AUM) and client asset under advisement (AUA) by both Mercer Global Advisors Inc. and Regis Acquisition Inc. Client Assets includes assets gained from recent acquisitions where the advisory agreements have been properly assigned to Mercer Global Advisors, but the custodial accounts have yet to be transferred and/or the accounts have yet to be migrated to Mercer Global Advisors’ portfolio management system. Mercer Global Advisors Inc. and Regis Acquisition, Inc. are affiliated SEC registered investment advisers and deliver investment advisory and family office related services. Mercer Global Advisors Inc. and Regis Acquisition, Inc., are subsidiaries of Mercer Advisors Inc., a parent company not involved with investment services.

Mercer Advisors is not a law firm and does not provide legal advice to clients. All estate planning documentation preparation and other legal advice is provided through select third parties unrelated to Mercer Advisors. Tax preparation and tax filing are a separate fee from Mercer Advisors’ investment management and planning services. Trustee services are offered through select third parties with which a client would engage directly.
