Press release

Magnet Forensics named a Major Player in 2022 IDC MarketScape for worldwide eDiscovery early case assessment software

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Magnet Forensics (TSX: MAGT), a developer of digital investigation solutions for more than 4,000 enterprises and public safety agencies in over 100 countries, has been named a “Major Player” in the IDC MarketScape: Worldwide eDiscovery Early Case Assessment Software 2022 Vendor Assessment.

The IDC MarketScape covers major vendors in the worldwide eDiscovery market with early case assessment functionality. It evaluates them based on their capabilities to collect, process, cull and analyze data for investigations and litigations, while also emphasizing strategies that minimize data corpus and mitigate cost.

“Magnet Forensics has positioned itself well to service the eDiscovery space due to their ECA capabilities,” said Ryan O’Leary, research manager, Privacy and Legal Technology at IDC. “Magnet Forensics exhibits strength in the extensibility of their tools to collect most types of data and cull the noise. Magnet Forensics is set up nicely for the future due to their ability to integrate with other partners in the space.”

eDiscovery analysts rely on digital forensics solutions to preserve, collect and analyze digital evidence in their case work. The main challenge in the process is that analysts often find themselves collecting data that isn’t relevant to their investigations. More data brings higher costs, less efficiency and further risk to the process.

With Magnet IGNITE and Magnet AXIOM Cyber, analysts are able to focus their investigations by culling irrelevant data before they begin their collections. Magnet IGNITE performs early case assessments of remote endpoints and helps analysts quickly determine whether the data on a device will be relevant to their investigations. Magnet AXIOM Cyber is used to remotely collect evidence from target endpoints, even when they aren’t connected to company networks, and analyze evidence from computers, mobile phones and cloud sources. Using a more targeted approach, analysts are able to begin culling the data before they even collect it. Once they’ve completed their analysis, analysts can use Magnet AXIOM Cyber to generate load files and move their data into eDiscovery platforms.

“The transition to remote and hybrid work models has made early case assessments essential to achieving desired legal outcomes,” said Adam Belsher, chief executive officer of Magnet Forensics. “eDiscovery investigations can now involve dozens of devices and hundreds of data sources and it’s no longer feasible for analysts to collect all of this data using traditional tools. Our position as a ‘Major Player’ reflects how effective Magnet IGNITE and Magnet AXIOM Cyber have been in offering analysts an alternative. With the use of targeted collections, they no longer need to spend hours collecting and sorting through vast volumes of data that have no relevance to their investigations.”

The IDC MarketScape highlighted Magnet Forensics’ eDiscovery capabilities and strengths.

“Magnet Forensics has the capability to collect virtually any data source across virtually any environment or device,” the IDC MarketScape said. “The depth that Magnet Forensics can explore the data and artifacts is hard to compete with.”

“Magnet Forensics’ solutions stand out because they’re made by practitioners for practitioners,” said Warren Kruse, vice-president of data forensics at UnitedLex, a data and professional services company. “Magnet AXIOM Cyber has made eDiscovery more efficient for analysts and our clients. Performing targeted collections and early analysis with its key word searches and filtering tools allow us to only preserve the most relevant evidence for our investigations.”

To learn more about how to use Magnet AXIOM Cyber for eDiscovery, attend our webinar Duty to Preserve, but How? on Oct. 12 at 11 a.m. across all time zones.

Source: IDC MarketScape: Worldwide eDiscovery Early Case Assessment Software 2022 Vendor Assessment (doc #US48970222, September 2022)

About Magnet Forensics

Founded in 2010, Magnet Forensics is a developer of digital investigation software that acquires, analyzes, reports on, and manages evidence from digital sources, including computers, mobile devices, IoT devices and cloud services. Magnet Forensics’ software is used by more than 4,000 public and private sector customers in over 100 countries and helps investigators fight crime, protect assets and guard national security.

About IDC MarketScape:

IDC MarketScape vendor assessment model is designed to provide an overview of the competitive fitness of ICT (information and communications technology) suppliers in a given market. The research methodology utilizes a rigorous scoring methodology based on both qualitative and quantitative criteria that results in a single graphical illustration of each vendor’s position within a given market. IDC MarketScape provides a clear framework in which the product and service offerings, capabilities and strategies, and current and future market success factors of IT and telecommunications vendors can be meaningfully compared. The framework also provides technology buyers with a 360-degree assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of current and prospective vendors.