Press release

Lucidea’s Archival CMS ArchivEra at Virtual AAO 2023

Sponsored by Businesswire

Lucidea, provider of ArchivEra archival collections management software is sponsoring the Archives Association of Ontario Virtual Conference on May 10th through 12th.

Lucidea’s innovative and adaptable archival collections management solutions enable researchers and the public to connect with the precious materials (traditional, digitized, and born-digital) archival workers diligently preserve. The powerful and versatile capabilities of ArchivEra make Lucidea a valued technology partner in the archives community.

Visit Lucidea’s team in their virtual exhibit booth to learn about the latest client-driven enhancements to ArchivEra, their market-leading CMS. Expand your archives’ reach and impact with Lucidea’s tools and your creativity.

For further information about any of Lucidea’s collections management products, please phone 604 278 6717 or email with your questions.