Press release

Listing on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime Market

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Rigaku Holdings Corporation, a global solution partner for X-ray analysis (headquarters: Akishima, Tokyo; president and CEO: Jun Kawakami; “Rigaku”), has completed its listing on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime Market as of today.

Note: This document is a press release intended for public announcement regarding Rigaku’s listing on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime Market. It has not been prepared for the purpose of soliciting investments or any similar acts, whether within or outside Japan.

This press release does not constitute an offer or sale of securities in the United States. The shares of common stock of Rigaku may not be offered or sold in the United States absent registration or an exemption from requirement. If any public offering of the shares of common stock of Rigaku is made in the United States, it will be by means of a prospectus that may be obtained from Rigaku or the selling shareholders and that will contain detailed information about Rigaku and its management, as well as financial statements. No public offering of the shares of common stock of Rigaku will take place in the United States.