Press release

Intelinair Announces Three-Year Collaboration Agreement with Jacobs

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Intelinair announced today an expansion to its collaboration with Jacobs for AgTech markets beginning in 2022 and extending through the end of 2024.

Through this three-year agreement, Jacobs will provide scalable, high-grade multispectral sensor systems and aerial imagery services, while Intelinair provides its artificial intelligence (AI) powered crop analytics AGMRI® platform to deliver a complete view of every acre, every field from planting to harvest.

“Our goal is to deliver agronomic insights that achieve yield and productivity improvements, and we do this through our automated digital platform, AGMRI,” said Tim Hassinger, CEO & President of Intelinair. “In one scalable, digital platform, we are able to provide actionable field intelligence so farmers can take action before issues become problems all the way from planting to harvest.”

Pairing the hi-res image capabilities captured by Jacobs and the analytics of Intelinair provides farmers, crop consultants and agricultural retailers a bird’s-eye view of their fields. With these tools, they can see issues developing in fields from their smartphone, tablet or computer, which can save them significant time during busy seasons.

For example, after planting farmers actively monitor emergence in fields, scouting for subpar results or even failure, flagging the opportunity for replant. This process can be time-consuming; however, AGMRI automates and simplifies the replant process. AGMRI also generates a Smart Alert for each field or part of a field affected by poor emergence and in need of replant and also generates a replant prescription which can be synced wirelessly to the farmers’ precision agriculture equipment in the field.

“We welcome the opportunity to continue our work with Intelinair to provide digital solutions to the agricultural market,” said Jacobs Executive Vice President and President of Critical Mission Solutions Steve Arnette. “Our cutting-edge GeoPod™ sensors are flown over farm fields 13 times during the growing season to conduct high-resolution digital mapping. The multispectral imagery our sensors produce is then used by Intelinair to create timely agronomic insights that aid farmers in making real-time management decisions.”

Intelinair chose Jacobs as a supplier of imagery services due to its demonstrated technical and operational advantages. Its sensors offer market-leading real-world resolution, radiometric sensitivity, and accuracy. Its unique processing approach enables rapid turnaround and extreme scalability, while its operational excellence ensures high delivery reliability that is required by agriculture customers. The pair also plans to explore emerging opportunities to use technology for verification of sustainable farming practices. “We are exploring opportunities where the technology can be used in the area of sustainability,” added Hassinger.

Terms of the agreement were not disclosed.

About IntelinAir, Inc.

IntelinAir, Inc. is an automated crop intelligence company that leverages AI and machine learning to model crop performance and identify problems enabling farmers to make improved decisions. The company’s flagship product, AGMRI® aggregates and analyzes data including high-resolution aerial, satellite, and drone imagery, equipment, weather, scouting, and more to deliver actionable Smart Alerts on specific problems in areas of fields as push notifications to farmers’ smartphones. The proactive alerts on operational issues allow farmers to intervene, rescue yield, capture learnings for the next season, and identify conservation opportunities for sustainable farming. Annually Intelinair analyzes millions of acres of farmland, helping growers make thousands of decisions for improved operations and profitability.

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