Press release

Fund Screener Now Available in Causeway Risk Lens

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Global asset manager Causeway Capital Management LLC has added Fund Screener to Risk Lens, its zero cost cloud-based analytics tool for institutional investors and advisers. It provides key equity portfolio risks, predicted active return correlations (PARCs) for diversification analysis, and ESG scores. And now Risk Lens screens funds and ETFs on user-selected performance, risk and other characteristics. Fund Screener covers approximately 3,400 U.S.-registered mutual funds and ETFs.

“There are thousands of equity mutual funds and ETFs. To find a great fund, you need a great fund screening tool,” said Sarah Ketterer, CEO and fundamental portfolio manager of Causeway. “We added Fund Screener to help fiduciaries find funds that meet the metrics they care about.”

How Are We Different?

“We are offering Fund Screener at zero cost to users,” commented Joe Gubler, quantitative portfolio manager of Causeway and one of the architects of Risk Lens. “Designed by our own portfolio managers, it screens the basic criteria advisers care about – like benchmarks, size, fees, and performance.” Fund Screener also screens active style exposures, predicted risk metrics, and active ESG scores based on current fund holdings.


Fund Screener is easy-to-use. Users simply select a benchmark and their fund characteristics, inputting minimum and maximum ranges. As users select criteria, the number of funds passing their screens updates dynamically. Searches can be further refined with active style exposures, predicted risk metrics, and active ESG scores. Then, click FIND FUNDS to view results.

Log Into Fund Screener

Log into Risk Lens for zero cost access to Fund Screener. Or contact Causeway at

About Risk Lens

Causeway manages global equities, fusing fundamental and quantitative analysis since 2001, and manages $42.1 billion (at 9/30/23). In 2013, Causeway launched Risk Lens to bring the power of its risk model to clients, introducing the easy-to-use web application in 2019. Risk Lens is a cloud-based analytics tool for institutional investors and advisers that provides key equity portfolio risks, predicted active return correlations (PARCs) for diversification analysis, ESG scores, and fund screening. Risk Lens covers approximately 3,400 U.S.-registered equity mutual funds and ETFs, approximately 9,500 share classes, and 37 benchmarks across all major geographies.

See “Disclosures” at Risk Lens and in your Risk Lens reports. The information provided is for illustration only, should not be relied on as investment advice, and is not a recommendation to buy or sell any fund or security. Results may vary with each use and over time. Certain Risk Lens software is subject to ©2023 Causeway Capital Management LLC. All Rights Reserved. For Institutional Investors and Advisers Use Only.