Press release

Fluidra Proposes a Dividend Distribution of 0.55 Euros Per Share

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Fluidra, the global leader in equipment and connected solutions in the pool and wellness sector, agreed at its Board of Directors meeting to propose to the General Shareholders’ Meeting a dividend of 0.55 euros per share. In line with Fluidra’s dividend policy, the proposal implies a 50% payout of 2023 Cash Net Profit.

The total payout, subject to approval by the General Shareholders’ Meeting on 8 May, 2024, will amount to around 105 million euros. If approved, Fluidra will make a first payment of 0.30 euros per share on 3 July and another payment of 0.25 euros per share on 3 December 2024.

“We delivered a good performance in 2023, in line with expectations and in a normalizing trading environment. We are ready for 2024 and remain confident in the attractiveness of the industry and our ability to create value for our stakeholders as the global leader in the pool and wellness sector,” highlighted Eloi Planes, Fluidra’s Executive President.

Appointment of Olatz Urroz

Fluidra’s Board of Directors has also proposed Olatz Urroz as independent director. The appointment will be put to vote at the General Shareholders’ Meeting.

With this appointment, Fluidra would increase the number of directors to 14, compared to the current 13. The increase in the number of members aims to achieve a greater plurality of perspectives and interests represented, while simultaneously allowing for the representation of other significant shareholders on the Board.

The Board of Directors has valued Olatz Urroz’s knowledge and outstanding international experience in finance and risk management of well-known companies. Her appointment contributes for the Board to maintain the balance of skills, experience and diversity reflected in the Board’s competency structure, enriching it with her expertise, particularly in the financial field.

Urroz started her career at General Electric (GE) and has spent time at leading global companies, such as Vodafone PLC and Amazon, among others. At the end of 2022 she joined PagoNxt as CFO, leading a team across multiple geographies.

Finally, the re-election of Esther Berrozpe and Brian McDonald as independent directors of the Company is also proposed to the General Shareholders’ Meeting.

About Fluidra

Fluidra S.A. (FDR:SM) is the global leader in pool and wellness equipment and connected solutions. It is included in the Ibex 35, the benchmark index of the Spanish stock market, and in the FTSE4Good Index Series, the benchmark sustainability index. Fluidra provides an extensive offer of innovative and connected products and services, operating in more than 47 countries.

The company has a portfolio of some of the most recognized brands in the industry, including Jandy®, AstralPool®, Polaris®, Cepex®, Zodiac®, CTX Professional® and Gre®.

To learn more about Fluidra, visit