Press release

Flatiron Software Announces Data-Driven Developer Assessment Platform Snapshot Reviews

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Flatiron Software Co. today announced Snapshot Reviews, an engineering team performance assessment platform that leverages real-time productivity data to facilitate strategic decision-making. The user-friendly Snapshot Reviews revolutionizes performance measurement for developers by providing real-time, precise insights derived directly from code analysis using AI. Employing Snapshot Reviews eliminates any subjectivity in strategic decision-making, leaving no room for guesswork.

Many tech executives today struggle to evaluate team performance due to time-consuming and disconnected tools and processes, and reliance on subjective signals such as feedback from individuals, managers, peers and/or 360-review inputs via Google Forms. Existing performance evaluation platforms, which are often better suited to marketing and sales teams than to developers, fail to align with software developers’ needs and daily activities, leading to insecurity about making informed decisions regarding team and individual success. And when software engineers encounter ambiguity and subjectivity in performance reviews and limited resources for career development opportunities, that can lead to worker disengagement.

“Snapshot Reviews solves these problems, freeing developers from having to adapt to a one-size-fits-all format, standardizing processes and deriving results from concrete data,” said Flatiron President Kirimgeray Kirimli. “Unlike other tools, Snapshot Reviews goes beyond mere data collection to deliver valuable data-driven insights that enhance strategic decision-making, enable software teams to assess performance accurately and accelerate career progression.”

Key features of Snapshot Reviews include:

  • AI: Snapshot Reviews super charges your feedback with AI-powered code reviews and daily standups. It saves your high-performing team time and energy on everyday tasks. And it empowers your development process with an AI-driven feedback loop, tailored to each team member’s unique contributions. Snapshot Reviews analyzes code commits using LLMs to create complexity metrics, then visualizes these metrics in various customizable infographics.

  • Insights: Snapshot Reviews revolutionizes performance measurement for developers by providing real-time and precise insights derived directly from code analysis. This innovative approach introduces a completely new paradigm in assessing developer performance. By seamlessly integrating with Jira and GitHub, Snapshot Reviews enables engineering leaders to gain deep insights into developers’ workloads using AI technology. It also gathers different data from Jira and GitHub to cross reference process efficiency and team performance. With Snapshot Reviews, code reviews are also analyzed, comments are received and changes are suggested as part of the analysis to draw a good picture of team collaboration and performance.

  • Continuous Feedback: Snapshot Reviews documents daily software development activities and correlates them with career progression, spanning from daily standups to annual evaluations. This continuous feedback loop integrates career development with product creation, ensuring that as teams build products that customers love, Snapshot Reviews simultaneously nurtures individual career growth.

  • Employee Development: The customizable feedback cycles and tools provided by Snapshot Reviews facilitate mentorship and coaching. From weekly check-ins to annual assessments, Snapshot Reviews empowers teams to exchange personalized feedback that fuels success. The automated 360° Reviews and Sprint retrospectives streamline the process for leaders and managers to provide timely and constructive feedback.

  • Goal Management: With Snapshot Reviews, leaders are empowered to define clear objectives – yearly, quarterly or based on custom SMART goals. The platform’s user-friendly, customizable interface also makes it easy for team members to create their own SMART goals, ensuring measurable and transparent results for success.

  • 360° Reviews: Snapshot Reviews users can customize their reviews with diverse question formats, including expressive emoji scales and versatile multiple-choice options, and save templates for future use, simplifying the feedback process for managers. Users also benefit from automated review cycles, eliminating the need for manual follow-ups.

Flatiron also plans to introduce Reports Module to allow managers to collect, analyze and export quantitative and qualitative data from Snapshot Reviews for a well-rounded view of their development teams. An upcoming AI standup module that will analyze the daily updates and use the results to enrich the team metrics is also in the works.

“Snapshot Reviews is a unique and valuable solution at a time in which software and the professionals who develop it are central to business success,” said Kirimli. “Now businesses can streamline software development by codifying and measuring progress, promoting transparency and alignment among teams – and boosting velocity and job satisfaction.”

About Flatiron Software Cop.

Flatiron, a full-stack software development business, provides end-to-end project delivery – fulfilling companies’ needs for talented remote teams to assist with existing projects or spin up entirely new initiatives, and delivering platforms that make developer teams work better. Flatiron’s team is international, expert at problem-solving and has strong communication skills, making it highly adaptable. Flatiron was founded by former software engineering and management professionals who identified a gap in the market for hybrid software teams and built an innovative business around empowering customers with the teams and tools they need to get the job done rapidly and right.