Press release

Facteus Launches Data Sets Highlighting Consumer Cross Shopping Behavior

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Facteus, the largest provider of consumer transaction data insights in the alternative data industry, today announced the launch of Consumer Insights. This powerful tool, a part of Facteus’ Win the Week™ product suite, provides unparalleled insights into consumer behavior by leveraging real purchase transaction data from a wide range of retailers.

Consumer Insights draws from a vast dataset of over $3.1 trillion in consumer purchases and more than 61 billion transactions. This comprehensive data covers a diverse array of retailers, including e-commerce giants like Shein, Temu, and Amazon, as well as brick-and-mortar favorites such as Target, Walmart, Best Buy, Ulta, Sephora, TJ Maxx, Costco, and Whole Foods. The platform also provides insights into popular restaurants and coffee shops, including Chipotle, Chick-Fil-A, and Starbucks. This is just the first tranche of retailers: Facteus plans to expand the availability to include hundreds of additional brands in the future.

One of the key features of Consumer Insights is its innovative cross-shopping diagrams. These visuals offer a concise way to understand how consumers shop across multiple retailers and brands within the same product category. By identifying cross-shopping patterns, businesses can gain valuable insights into their key competitors, market position, and growth opportunities. An example of this diagram can be found here: TEMU Cross-Shopping Diagram.

“We are thrilled to introduce the Consumer Insights to the market,” said Jonathan Chin, co-founder and Head of Data and Growth, Facteus. “Our goal is to empower businesses with the data and insights they need to make informed decisions and stay ahead of the competition. By leveraging real consumer purchase data, we are providing a level of visibility into consumer behavior that has never been publicly available.”

Consumer Insights is now publicly available: and includes a short primer on How to Use & Read Our Cross-Shopping Diagrams.

About Facteus

Facteus, a leading technology and data company, is the largest and fastest (1-day lag) provider of consumer transaction and packaged goods data and insights in the alternative data industry. Facteus specializes in utilizing advanced technologies to safely and securely deliver comprehensive consumer spending data, catering to a diverse range of sectors including finance, retail, government, research, and beyond. Through its innovative, AI-driven platform, the company delivers actionable insights derived from alternative data sources, empowering clients to make data-driven decisions and stay ahead of the competition. For more information, visit