Press release

Core Education Launches New Private Higher Education Network

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Core Education Services, PBC has announced the formation of a new private network for the exclusive benefit of small and mid-sized colleges and universities. The Core Affiliate Network™, which launches with ten member institutions whose combined budgets reach $457 million, will empower participating schools to modernize and transform their business models through innovative shared services made accessible through economies of scale.

Core Education will provide supporting services across an array of functional areas, including marketing, enrollment resources, workforce programs, technology modernization, operational efficiency, capital strategies, campus operations, and compliance services. Member institutions maintain their independence – though they must meet specific financial and leadership criteria to leverage Core solutions addressing higher education’s biggest challenges.

“Small and mid-sized institutions are disproportionately impacted by the systemic issues facing higher education today,” says Rick Beyer, Executive Chairman of Core Education. “In an era of shifting demographics and declining demand, these institutions need an advocate who understands transformation and what it takes to establish long-term prosperity. By creating economies of scale and providing access to top talent and resources that would otherwise be inaccessible, Core can be that advocate for a growing number of institutions seeking to transform their business models.”

In addition to the ten current participating colleges and universities, more institutions are conducting partnership studies and Beyer expects new members to join the Core Affiliate Network over the next year. “We are fortunate to be working with a number of presidents and board leaders who are committed to real transformation,” he says. “As such, we anticipate continued growth as they learn more about the unparalleled subject matter expertise and organizational depth we bring to the table.”

What Member Institutions are Saying

Larry Czarda, President of Greensboro College: “Without the Core Affiliate Network, we could not afford the resources and expertise that are driving our transformation. We are stabilizing and modernizing our technology platform. We are strengthening our institutional research. And we are launching a major workforce development initiative that will pay big dividends for our region. As a small but growing United Methodist institution with a rich history, Core is making it possible to evolve our business model in ways that match our unique vision for the future.”

David Wright, President Emeritus of Indiana Wesleyan University: “There are big opportunities for institutions that leverage Core as a supporting organization. In my work with faith-based institutions, I often see the need for knowledgeable external support that appreciates how important it is for a school to maintain its independence and identity. That combination is rare – and it sets Core apart.”

Gordon Bietz, Director Higher Education, North American Division, Seventh-day Adventist Church: “Core enabled a group of our institutions to launch a workforce development initiative that would have been very expensive if each tried to do it on their own.”

Lee Johnson, Senior Vice President and Treasurer, Siena Heights University: “We are launching a series of certificates and credentials with Core to help grow and diversify our revenue streams. We are also leveraging Core as part of our technology assessment and modernization plans. None of it would be happening without the substantial economies of scale that Core provides.”

Antoinette Hays, PhD, RN, President, Regis College: “As a public benefit corporation, Core uses a cost recovery approach that enables Regis to reach higher margins for our growth initiatives. As a Catholic institution guided by a mission that inspires us to provide access to a rigorous education through innovative learning opportunities and collaborative engagement at all degree levels, this new partnership will enable Regis to expand our vast offerings for students. These additional academic offerings will make meaningful contributions to workforce development throughout New England and beyond by supporting companies seeking talent and also help employees develop new skills that are in demand throughout the marketplace.”

About Core Education Services, PBC

Core is a public benefit corporation with a mission to support small and mid-sized institutions through innovative shared services. Core Education addresses its mission of student and institutional success through a comprehensive set of supporting services, with a specific emphasis on market expansion, technology efficiency, and operational effectiveness. For more information, please visit