Press release

Collibra Announces Second Annual Chief Data Officer (CDO) Summer School

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Collibra, the leader in enterprise data governance and catalog software,
today announced its continued partnership with the authors of
best-selling books Data Driven Business Transformation and The
Chief Data Officer’s Playbook
, Caroline Carruthers and Peter
Jackson, to launch the second annual Chief Data Officer Summer School.
The 10-week course, which features in-person and virtual seminars, will
offer hands-on instruction for the next-generation of CDOs.

According to Gartner,
CDOs will be “a mission-critical function comparable to IT, business
operations, HR, and finance in 75% of large enterprises” by 2021. As the
demand for qualified CDOs continues to increase, the CDO Summer School
aims to provide the necessary training and mentorship to cultivate
future data intelligence leaders.

Caroline Carruthers, Chief Executive at Carruthers and Jackson and
course co-founder, said, “As businesses realize the power of data to
transform their organizations and drive value, it is imperative for data
leaders to understand how to successfully guide the data transformation
journey. Through practical real-life examples, we intend to arm aspiring
CDOs with the skills to make effective data-driven decisions and become
even more influential within their organizations.”

With more than 150 graduates in the Class of 2018, the 2019 course
intends to welcome even more data leaders to learn, collaborate, and
grow as part of a community of like-minded professionals. Topics will
cover technology and tooling, strategy, culture, and ethics as well as
practical assessments and methodologies.

Pierre Delville, Data Governance and Quality, BNP Paribas Fortis, a
graduate from the 2018 CDO Summer School noted, “When participating in
the first Chief Data Officer Summer School in 2018, I was looking for
guidance in identifying the skills and practical knowledge to support me
in an aspirational next step: becoming a CDO. My aspiration has become
reality as I am joining an important financial markets institution as
their first CDO in June 2019. I strongly recommend this program to
anyone looking to advance themselves in their current role as a data

“Learning and development is part of our DNA, and we aim to equip all
data citizens with the knowledge they need for success,” said Felix Van
de Maele, co-founder and CEO, Collibra. “With emerging technologies and
complex regulatory frameworks continuing to challenge data leaders
globally, mastering data literacy and the proactive use of trusted data
as a business asset has never been more important. We look forward to
working closely with Caroline and Peter once again and welcoming more
aspiring data leaders in our community.”

About the course

  • Participation is by application only. You must be a current or
    aspiring data leader to be accepted
  • Courses are delivered as a series of 90-minute online classes every
    two weeks, with in-person events taking place in New York, California,
    and London
  • The program starts June 20 and ends with graduation on Sept. 19
  • Data leaders interested in becoming a participant can apply here.
    Registration closes June 14

About Collibra

As the leader in data governance and catalog software, Collibra helps
organizations across the world gain competitive advantage by maximizing
the value of their data across the enterprise. Collibra is the only
solution purpose-built to address the gamut of data stewardship,
governance, and management needs of the most complex, data-intensive
industries. Our flexible and configurable cloud-based or on-premises
solution puts people and processes first – automating data governance
and management to quickly and securely deliver trusted data to the
business users who need it. Learn more at