Press release

BI Incorporated Renews OMNIA Partners Agreement, Allowing Governmental Agencies to Access Electronic Monitoring Products and Services at Best Value

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BI Incorporated, the U.S. leader for electronic monitoring products and services, has entered an exclusive agreement with OMNIA Partners Public Sector that allows city, county, and state governmental agencies nationwide to contract with BI for its community corrections supervision technologies at competitive prices. Plus, participating agencies save valuable time and effort by skipping the lengthy Request for Proposal (RFP) process.

This exclusive contract was awarded through a competitive solicitation process conducted by the lead public agency, City of Mesa, Ariz., effective May 4, 2022. BI has worked with the City of Mesa previously, supporting the municipal court’s electronic monitoring program with technology and services that create an additional release option for the court.

“Community corrections agencies seek solutions that help them monitor for compliance to conditions of release in the community, and BI offers the breadth of products and services coupled with our extensive experience to make this happen,” said Jock Waldo, Executive Vice President, BI Incorporated. “Agencies that access this cooperative master agreement streamline their procurement process and tap into a wide range of electronic monitoring products and services at best-value pricing.”

BI originally entered this cooperative agreement in 2014, and the number of governmental agencies accessing value pricing through the master agreement has grown significantly to more than 100 governmental agencies.

In addition, BI has responded to changes in community corrections and technology to offer a full continuum of required products and services available under the new agreement. Agencies can access technology products and service options, including GPS tracking, radio frequency (RF) curfew monitoring, alcohol detection, and voice verification systems; call center and monitoring operations services; and software, including smartphone applications.

About BI Incorporated

Established in 1978, BI Incorporated is a wholly owned subsidiary of The GEO Group, Inc. BI offers more than a dozen electronic monitoring systems, including GPS tracking, alcohol detection, and radio frequency monitoring systems to monitor schedules, curfews, and behavior of probationers, parolees, and pretrial defendants in the community. The company has Original Equipment Manufacturing (OEM) status and manufactures its products at U.S. facilities, employs more than 1,000 highly trained professionals, and produces more than 200,000 electronic monitoring devices annually. For more information, visit

About OMNIA Partners

OMNIA Partners, Public Sector is the nation’s largest and most experienced cooperative purchasing organization dedicated to public sector procurement. Our immense purchasing power and industry-leading suppliers have produced a comprehensive portfolio of cooperative contracts and partnerships, making OMNIA Partners the most valued and trusted resource for organizations nationwide.

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