Press release

BAI Offers Market Share Comparative Analytics to Financial Services Organizations

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a nonprofit independent organization that delivers the financial
services industry’s most actionable insights, announced its Market Share
Analysis research program. The new program, which is an addition to
BAI’s suite of Consumer and Business Benchmarking programs, enables
financial services leaders to obtain a precise view and understanding of
their organization’s market share in key markets relative to peer

Competition for deposits has heightened as rates continue to rise and
deposit balance growth has slowed. The BAI Market Share Analysis program
helps industry leaders understand the key underlying drivers of market
share by utilizing account-level data to measure productivity and market
opportunity on a national, regional and zip code level. Some of the key
market share drivers measured in the program include number of branches
in the market (branch share), average deposit balances by market, number
of households per location and average household deposit balance. These
insights will help leaders identify markets where their organization
outperforms their peers, and where there are opportunities to gain
additional share.

“As the battle for deposits continues, financial services leaders need
precise information to understand how their organization is performing
in each of their markets in order to best make strategic decisions about
products and presence,” said Karl Dahlgren, managing director of BAI.
“The BAI Market Share Analysis program is designed to provide a
competitive advantage to leaders by analyzing key data and providing
insights into the challenges and opportunities of deposit growth and
customer acquisition, market by market.”

BAI Market Share Analysis is available to financial services
organizations participating in BAI Consumer or Business Benchmarking
programs. For more information, visit

About BAI

As a nonprofit, independent organization, BAI delivers the financial
services industry’s most actionable insights, enabling leaders to make
smart business decisions every day. We’re passionate about the trusted
information and powerful tools that provide leaders with the clarity and
confidence needed to drive positive change and move the financial
services industry forward. For more information, visit

About BAI’s Research

BAI provides trusted, in-depth comparative analytics, including
benchmarking research on consumer, business and commercial deposit
performance, talent management, marketing and other strategic areas for
U.S. banks. BAI’s comparative analytics provide meaningful comparisons
and allow financial services leaders to better understand their position
relative to others in the industry. In addition to comparative
analytics, BAI conducts a variety of research on industry trends and
consumer behavior to help financial services leaders fully grasp today’s
business dynamics and gain insight into the future. For more
information, visit