Today's workers are more mobile and they are demanding greater choice in their technology, putting more strain on IT departments that are trying to keep up with those demands
The barbarians at your door. How to identify and defeat the cyberthreats facing your business today
Many of the cyberthreats your business faces are invisible. Learn how to shine a light on these threats and discover how to take action to protect your business
All Servers Could Be Water-Cooled In Ten Years, Says IBM
Old-style mainframe cooling could come back, because it's easier to harness hot water than hot air, says IBM
Dutch Engineers Launch Multi-Storey Data Centres
Put the cooling under the servers, says data centre builder Imtech
Why The Mainframe Will Never Die
Users need support in ever more demanding workloads, greening strategies and cloud computing models, which guarantees the mainframe's continuing relevance, says Anne Altman
Logica Cuts Costs With Own Sustainability Tool
The IT services company is keen to cuts costs even though it claims its customers don't "buy on price"
Digital Minister: We’ll Cut £35bn In Costs By 2011
Updated: Tom Watson has announced how smart use of IT has enabled the government to save £26.5bn across government whilst also defending his own spending
BT’s Problems Come From Global Services Unit
BT's poor results and shock redundancy plan have come about because of problems in its Global Services division, says Bathwick Group's Katy Ring. But there could be hope
Most IT Projects Delayed Not Cancelled
Computing projects are being delayed, for the most part, rather than canceled, due to the impact of the economy
Opalis Allows Amazon EC2 Cloud Management
With the software, Amazon EC2 users can manage everything from availability and use of the cloud resources to billing and decommissioning
Google Blames Outage on Asian Web Traffic Jam
While the outages of services such as Gmail are usually only temporary, the popularity of these Google services often means that any problem instantly becomes news
Toshiba Launches 512GB SSD Laptop
The Portege R600-ST4203, which becomes available for general release in early June, features a second-generation 512GB eSATA SSD from Toshiba's own fabrication plant
Struggling NEC Exits Supercomputing Project
The move is the latest by NEC to cut expenses, following the decisions to lay off 20,000 employees and exit the North American PC business
SuperMicro’s Dual Xeon Workstation Doesn’t Pull Any Punches
SuperMicro's workstation sports a pair of quadcore Intel Xeon (Nehalem) processors and well matched components for major performance at a price you'll like.
IT Is Key To Climate Change Control
BT and Marks & Spencer and other users are looking to IT for solutions, according to a conference on the commercial risks of climate change
Windows 7: An End To the Anti-Virus Nightmare?
Anti-virus software is all rubbish, says Andrew Garcia. He's hoping that Windows 7's baked-in security could finally set him free from all that
UK Government Hires Tsar Of Twitter
You can follow Andrew Stott, the former government deputy CIO, now appointed as "digital engagement director"
BT Loses £134 Million, Will Cut 15000 Jobs
Most of the jobs will be lost from contractor positions and sites abroad, the company claims but unions are still concerned
Oracle Acquires Virtualisation Specialist Virtual Iron
Oracle has been on something of a buying spree in 2009, including its recent buyout of Sun Microsystems.
Gadgets Increasing Green House Gas Emissions
With increased mobile phone and computer use, says the International Energy Agency, comes increased energy use
Steve Jobs Absent From Developer Keynote
The traditional keynote address at Apple's Worldwide Developer Conference will not be delivered by CEO Steve Jobs
US Could Follow EU’s Lead on Intel
The European Commission's £950m fine of Intel for antitrust practices has sparked debate in the United States over how to handle companies that dominate their markets
Netbooks Nearly 20 Percent of Notebook Sales
While Hewlett-Packard is still the largest overall notebook PC manufacturer, Acer topped the netbook market in the first quarter of 2009
Intel’s Gordon Moore Celebrates Fifty Years Of ICs
Fifty years ago, the integrated circuit was invented. Gordon Moore predicted the speed of development since then - and founded Intel
Secure Tweets: Three Business Apps Rated
Socialcast, Socialtext and Huddle; three services offering the features of Twitter, Facebook and other Web 2.0 technologies but palatable to business.
Intel’s Otellini Looks On the Bright Side
Windows 7 and mobile devices will lift the outlook, said Intel's chief, the day before the EC put the boot in
IBM Makes Lotus Notes Better On iPhone And BlackBerry
New Notes beta uses Microsoft ActiveSync to reach more devices
Will The FTC Follow the EC’s Intel Fine?
All eyes are on the US Federal Trade Commission, after the EC's record fine of Intel, says Peter Judge. Meanwhile, PCs could change - and our tax bill might go down a tad
AMD Welcomes Intel’s EC Fine
That's three strikes, from three antitrust agencies, says the rival chipmaker
Dell Tightens E-waste Policies
But green IT experts claim computer makers are still ducking their responsibilities in Africa and other developing countries
Intel Will Appeal Against £950m EC Fine, Says Otellini
Intel denies accusations of rigging the market against rival AMD and will be protesting against the fine