Featuring low-voltage processors, the IdeaPad S12 netbook, the IdeaPad U350 and G550 laptops and the C300 all-in-one desktop emphasise design, easy using and easy buying
The barbarians at your door. How to identify and defeat the cyberthreats facing your business today
Many of the cyberthreats your business faces are invisible. Learn how to shine a light on these threats and discover how to take action to protect your business
US Airforce Denies GPS Failure Reports
A US government report predicted that as old satellites begin to fail over the next few years, GPS coverage could decline
Broadcom Offering Low Power Switches
Broadcom is rolling out a host of products to support a unified networking vision both at the core of the enterprise data center and on the edge of business WLANs
Mozilla Hopes Jetpack API Will Take Off
Mozilla Labs wants the open-source development community to try out Jetpack, the lab's new API
Yahoo Launches Voice-Activated iPhone Search
Users can speak into their device in order to activate a oneSearch query, pulling in results for everything from restaurant addresses to movie times
Google Improves Security With Chrome
Google Chrome 2.0 browser includes some new security features with which to arm itself as it competes in a browser market still dominated by Microsoft Internet Explorer
Rumoured Mac Tablet Could Face Off With Kindle
Apple could be rolling out a Mac Tablet in the first half of 2010, according to widely circulated Wall Street analyst report
Free Software To Become A Euro Election Issue
Free software pact gives supporters something better to vote on than disgust over MP's expenses
Red Hat Sues Switzerland Over Microsoft Monopoly
£8 million a year to Microsoft, with no public bidding. And that's just the tip of the iceberg, say open source activists
Local Government Sets Green Computing Example
Local government is stealing a march on central government in its use of virtualisation to harness cost savings and power efficiencies,
EC To Regulate State Aid For Next-Gen Broadband
Stimulus packages to build high-speed broadband must not fall foul of state aid rules, warned European commissioner Neelie Kroes
The Time Is Right For Desktop Linux, Says Report
Open source desktops haven't been a hit so far, but the recession, virtualisation, and the failure of Vista could change all that, analysts say
Storage Economics: When Data Meets Dough
If you think storage is cheap, you aren't doing your sums right. The big picture, with power, carbon, and legal costs, adds up to a new discipline, says Hitachi Data Systems' David Merrill - a storage economist
Malware Testing Heads To The Cloud
The Anti-Malware Testing Standards Organization has adopted a set of best practices around testing cloud security offerings
Google Says No To Newspapers, Yes To Online News
Google chief executive Eric Schmidt has said while his company is not interested in buying physical newspapers it could put its mark on online news sites
Microsoft Turns Down EC Antitrust Meeting
Microsoft has declined the European Commission's offer to hold a hearing on antitrust matters concerning its browser bundling
Google Polishes Chrome Browser
Google has high hopes that Chrome's unique features will make it a suitable competitor to Microsoft Internet Explorer and other browsers on the market
Report: Apple Planning Touchscreen Tablet
The analysts' report dismissed any notion of an Apple netbook
Opera Browser Doesn’t Need The iPhone, Says Von Tetzchner
The iPhone's effect on the mobile Internet is over-rated, says Opera CEO Jon von Tetzchner. What the whole world needs is a browser that can span from PCs down to the old and simple phones
UK Government To Force IT Training At Suppliers
If you want government money, you'll have to show your IT training plan, says skills secretary John Denham
Motorola Launches Wi-Fi Only Windows Phone
It looks like a Windows Mobile phone, but it's got no cellular. Motorola thinks this could save money for your corridor warriors
Young People See Good Prospects In IT
IT is beginning to be accepted as a "career of choice" with good prospects by young people but the older generation is proving harder to convince
Number 10 Dodges Phorm Investigation Calls
Despite threats of EC legal action and consumer complaints, the Prime Minister's Office has said Phorm is not its problem
Fault Tolerance (Re)Discovered
Fault tolerant virtualisation technologies can be hardware or software based but they don't necessarily offer the same level of protection for business-critical processes.
Aerohive Tightens Up Pre-Shared Wi-Fi Keys
Private PSK increases security for those who can't get everyone on 802.1x. But didn't Ruckus do this already?
Google Partners With US Utilities On PowerMeter
Google plans to expand the Google PowerMeter rollout later in 2009
Analyst: Palm Pre Could Be iPhone Competitor
With the rollout date for the Palm Pre officially set for 6 June, along with its $199 (£127) price point, all that's left to wonder now is if the Pre smartphone will actually be a true competitor to the Apple iPhone
BlackBerry Location Apps Are The Most Expensive
A report comparing the RIM BlackBerry, Apple iPhone and Google Android application stores finds RIM offering the highest prices and least variety for BlackBerry location-based services
Microsoft Previewing Kumo Search Engine
Microsoft, along with Yahoo, is in fierce competition with Google for market share in the U.S. core search arena
Intel And AMD Increase Core Count
Intel next week is expected to give details of its upcoming eight-core Nehalem EX processors, which will be aimed at high-end systems with four or more sockets