Middlesex University joins the likes of Queen Margaret and Southampton in rolling out energy efficient IT systems

Middlesex University joins the likes of Queen Margaret and Southampton in rolling out energy efficient IT systems
Many of the cyberthreats your business faces are invisible. Learn how to shine a light on these threats and discover how to take action to protect your business
Number of Opera Mini users up by 11.5 percent in September, as mobile browsing continuse to grow
Conference held in London focuses on role of space technology in economic recovery and combating climate change
IBM was officially terminated from a 10-year welfare services contract with the US state of Indiana worth around $1.34bn (£818m)
The Obama administration drops proprietary software driving Whitehouse.gov for the Drupal open-source content management platform
Microsoft and partner Digital River are working to solve the problem of users experiencing download and install errors with the Windows 7 student edition
Former MySQL business adviser Florian Mueller and members of the EC believe that Oracle owning MySQL through its acquisition of Sun is a colossal conflict of interest
Amazon Web Services (AWS) has announced the Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS), a new web service that makes it easy to set up, operate, and scale relational databases in the cloud
With US legislation on fixed networks in the pipeline, Skype calls for action against mobile operators that restrict what users can do online
Rumours of an possible Apple tablet have resurfaced after it was mentioned in passing during a speech by the New York Times executive editor
The increasing uptake of mobile broadband will soon outstrip the capacity of mobile networks to deliver, an analyst has warned
A wireless charging system has arrived in the UK - but questions have been raised as to its value compared with a proposed standard
CA is looking to ease the administrative burden associated with virtualised environments after it bulked up its management portfolio for cloud infrastructure
The launch of Windows 7 should fuel a recovery in Microsoft's fortunes, after hitting a financial low point bottom in the summer
A year after the EU issued its Code of Conduct for data centres, lack of participation could damage the autonomy of the industry, says TelecityGroup's Rob Coupland
While a shift to the cloud represents many benefits, there are risks that need to be properly understood first. In this article, Knowledge Centre contributor Dave Kofflin outlines five guidelines companies need to understand
The arrival of a universal phone charger has moved one step closer after official approval from the United Nations
New uninterruptible power supply for the data centre gives you the choice - power efficiency, or smoothing to control your power
Half a million users of the Guardian newspaper's recruitment site may have had their details compromised after a hack attack
The device allows for speedy charging of two handsets from one dose of methanol
Online shoppers are still confined to their home country, as the majority of European cross-border online purchasees fail, an EC study has found
The User Account Control feature in Microsoft Windows 7 is irking some in the security community who say Microsoft may have traded security for usability
IBM researchers have created technology to make Web sites more readable on mobile devices
Nokia's lawsuit against Apple alleging that the iPhone infringes on Nokia's patents may cost Apple in terms of public opinion as well as financially
Fewer Americans are finding global warming an important issue, a report from the Pew Research Center find
Microsoft is allowing netbook users to download Windows 7, its new operating system, onto a bootable USB or burn it onto a DVD, in yet another move by Redmond to disseminate the operating system to as many users as possible
The Dell R710 PowerEdge, is designed to optimise the data centre for virtualisation tasks, and offers an interesting alternative to BIOS boot-up
Microsoft has reported a decline in both quarterly revenues and profits, but still managed to beat market expectations
Gartner has predicted that in five years time, at least 25 percent of new business applications will be built by so called “citizen developers.
For IT managers with limited budgets there are a couple of low-impact moves that could yield high-impact cost savings in the data centre