The Climatic Research Unit whose emails were leaked to bloggers has said all data will be released to defuse the furore
The barbarians at your door. How to identify and defeat the cyberthreats facing your business today
Many of the cyberthreats your business faces are invisible. Learn how to shine a light on these threats and discover how to take action to protect your business
South Korea Finally Gets Hands On iPhone
South Koreans finally have the chance to purchase Apple's iPhone, available this Saturday from KT, the country's second largest mobile carrie
Dell Modifies Chrome OS For Mini 10v Netbook
A Dell employee has gotten Chromium OS, the code behind Chrome OS that Google released to open source, to run on a Dell Mini 10v netbook
Nokia And Apple Will Shake-up Netbook Market
Netbook shipments for 2009 are expected to be double those of 2008, according to a new report
Databases Ignored In Disaster Recovery Plans
A third of companies have admitted that their disaster recovery plans do not protect their entire database
EU Agency Warns Of ID Card Security Risk
A European security agency has highlighted the security risks posed by European ID cards when used as identification for online banking
Common Mobile Blunders Revealed
One in five people has a naughty photo of themselves, or their partner, on their handsets according to a list of the top ten mobile phone blunders
Consumer Champion Calls For Better Online Public Services
Better online public services could promote digital inclusion - but let's stop short of a "public sector switchover" says Ofcom consumer chair
McKinnon Is Suicide Risk Following Appeal Rejection
Notorious hacker Gary McKinnon has been labeled a suicide risk after Home Secretary Alan Johnson said he could not prevent extradition to the US
UK Citizens Aren’t Savvy Online, Says BCS
Only twenty percent of Britons are aware of how to protect their data online, according to the Savvy Citizens site, launched by BCS
Green IT And More (Part III) – Greening Your Organisation
In the third of a series of articles, David Tebbutt explains how IT can help companies become greener by using computers to reduce emissions and other undesirable effects outside of IT
Web Apps And ‘Windows As A Runtime’ Open New OS Doors
Two trends are working to expand the viability not only of Linux but of Mac OS X, Solaris and other platforms: a shift to web-based applications and "WaaR," or Windows as a Runtime.
Broadband Tax Will Be Higher – If It Happens
The £6 broadband levy designed to pay for faster broadband in the UK will be boosted by VAT and multiple lines - but could be scrapped
Security Risks In 2010: Pirates, Malicious Networkers And Cloud Criminals
Researchers from IBM and Sophos take a look at the top security risks for enterprises and consumers alike in 2010
Virgin Media Trials File-Sharing Monitoring Tool
One of the UK's leading ISPs has broken ranks with its fellow service providers and is trialing a tool that can monitor illegal file-sharing over the internet
IT Managers Called To Duty With New Online Game
It's never going to be as big as Call of Duty, but IT managers can show their skills and save the day in an online role-playing game
Two Thirds Of Enterprises Not Ready For Carbon Accounting
With the Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC) looming, organisations need to get with the programme, or they will be hit with stiff penalties
Wikipedia Loses Thousands Of Contributors, Study Claims
A study claims that Wikipedia's volunteer editors are deserting the site in their thousands, but founder Jimmy Wales contests the accuracy of the report
UK Rural Broadband Faces Political Limbo
Radically different policies from Labour and Conservatives could stall investment this side of a general election, the Broadband Stakeholders Group has warned
iPhone Hacker Proves That Crime Can Pay
The Australian hacker who developed the first worm for the iPhone has been rewarded for his efforts with a job at an iPhone application development company
Virtualisation Moves On To Conquer Networks And Desktops
With claimed annual savings of £2500 per server and £78 per desktop, virtualisation is moving on to conquer networks and desktops, say reports.
Irish MEPs Accuse EC Of Paying Dell To Close Limerick Facility
The European Commission claims Dell has moved its manufacturing from Limerick to China, while Dell maintains the jobs went to Poland
Bankrupt Nortel Continues Business Break-Up
Bankrupt Nortel Networks is selling off another piece of its business, this time its GSM/GSM-R unit to Telefon AB and Kapsch CarrierCom
Google And Microsoft Face Fresh Web OS Challenge
TransMedia will launch a fresh version of its Glide operating system with a focus on desktop and Web search
Reports Emerge Of Google Smartphone Running Google Voice
Reports suggest that Google in 2010 will launch an advanced smartphone with a larger-than-usual touch screen and a speedy Qualcomm processor
US Senate Asks EC To Roll-Over On MySQL Oracle Concerns
A group of US senators have asked European Commission antitrust regulators to end their investigation of Oracle's acquisition of Sun and simply approve the deal
Microsoft Opens Up With Five Web Specs
Redmond has made five web specifications available under the Open Web Foundation Agreement.
Hacker Embarrasses Symantec website
Security vendor Symantec has been embarrassed after one of its websites was hacked to reveal sensitive customer data
Boffins Perfect Power Capture From Wasted Heat
Researchers believe they have found a much more efficient way to harvest wasted heat from electrical devices and turn it into usable power
Ericsson Wins Bid For Nortel GSM Business
Another piece of bankrupt networking giant Nortel has been sold off, after Ericsson and Kapsch CarrierCom acquired its GSM/GSM-R business