Malware toolkit for Apple Mac OS X discovered by researchers - iPad and Linux could be next on the list
Apple's new iOS 4.3.3 Software Update is designed to fix the controversial location-tracking "bug"
Apple has updated its iMac range to include Intel's Thunderbolt I/O and next-generation Intel chips
The BI release provides 24/7 access to a range of alerts, ad hoc analyses, dashboards, reporting and more
Apple's Mac OS X is being targeted by a search engine poisoning attack and the first Mac-compatible crimeware kit
Apple has downplayed the importance of location data, but a report suggests Google thinks differently
The boost new Firefox and Internet Explorer browsers aimed to deliver has not stopped a gradual decline
Apple's storage service for iTunes could be named iCloud according to the latest industry rumours
Android's ascent in numbers is reflected in Nielsen's discovery of a preferential shift from Apple
Independent reports suggest European retailers are preparing to offer limited stocks of white iPhones
Apple's US Congress grilling is not the first time it has faced government scrutiny over privacy practices
Apple's suit against Samsung has been countered with litigation over data transfer technology in three countries
US government demands to know why Apple is collecting unsecured location information on iPhones and iPads
COO Tim Cook used Apple's quarterly earning call to comment on Steve Jobs and the Samsung lawsuit
Two researchers discovered their iPhones have been tracking their locations since upgrading to iOS 4
The iPhone 5 will begin production in July and ship in September, according to a Reuters report
A newly leaked video shows the long- anticipated white iPhone - with features from an unreleased version of iOS 4
Apple's iOS is beating Google's Android when the total connected device market is taken into account, new figures show
Following lawsuits against HTC and Nokia, Apple has now sued Samsung over its Galaxy tablets and smartphones
Apple has suffered a legal setback in its patent legal battles following an initial report by the ITC
Strategy Analytics has predicted a rosy future for the tablet form factor, with sales driven by demand from Asia
A father has sued Apple over his daughter's purchase of $200 in Game Currency via an iPod Touch
Apple has quietly replaced a Toshiba solid state drive in the MacBook Air with a faster alternative
Apple has poached a Microsoft cloud computing and green data centre executive, say reports
Following months of delays, Apple's white iPhone 4 may finally be released within the next couple weeks
Apple's new iPad 3 tablet is likely to made an appearance in the Autumn, despite earlier rumours
GCHQ advice prefers RIM devices over Apple's iPhone and others for handling government data
An analyst report has suggested Apple could begin manufacturing the next iPhone as late as this autumn