Rapid Q, a mobile app from Preoday, is enabling fans to pre-order food and drink from their seats during the…
Here's the kicker; disabling the pop-up will also turn off real OneDrive notifications
Firefox 52 will be the last mainstream release for Windows XP and Vista, adds WebAssembly support
Amazon has provided prosecutors access to Echo recordings in the latest case to raise questions on the privacy implications of…
The deal means Salesforce users will become the latest to have IBM's Watson AI technology available in their workplace
Silicon snaps a smorgasbord of tech and activity from Mobile World Congress 2017
Google Zero's latest unpatched bug is ranked 'critical' and could be used to target Windows 10 Edge and Internet Explorer…
Windows 10 Creators Update scheduled for April, with another coming later in the year
New product builds on the success of the Raspberry Pi Zero with added connectivity options
The first face-to-face round of this year's Cyber Security Challenge UK highlights the risk of insecure IoT connected devices
Firemon CTO Paul Calatayud explains why he calls it the Internet of Malicious Things and why virtualisation is the greatest…
The NHS has admitted thousands of patients may have been affected by the loss of records that went undelivered over…
The Samsung Galaxy S8 was absent from MWC, but a launch date has all but been confirmed
Samsung says actions not words will regain trust as it promises new safety testing to avoid a repeat
Samsung releases competitors for the iPad and Surface as it hopes Galaxy brand will help it snare some of the…
Mail and calendar improvements aim to make your life easier and more productive
The company plans to hire more than 15,000 staff across Europe by the end of 2017
Microsoft's decision to delay its monthly Windows security update until March leaves users unprotected
Taxation could be used to ease the effects of the job displacement caused by automation, Gates argues
Silicon selects eight of the most intersting Internet of Things startups
A proposal set for a vote this week would see council workers shifting to a Windows client with 'industry-standard' applications
The centre allow the government to draw on private-sector expertise and vice-versa.
After medical diagnostics and automobile research, Watson now helps defend against security threats
Apple's cloud service held browsing data for more than a year after users had deleted it, find researchers
REVIEW: After several months using the Pixel XL, Roland Moore-Colyer gives his verdict on the 100 percent Google phone
The subscription service option for the giant Windows 10 Surface Hub will make it more accessible for smaller organisations
The use of cloud platforms are on the rise, but so is the number of IP and patent infringement lawsuits
Think tank Reform urges the use of artificial intelligence, chat bots and drones to automate everything from public-sector administration to…
Mystery messages warn users to secure their network-connected printers
A cohort of tech firms said the order causes economic damage to the US