
It’s Not That Hard To Write a Smartphone Operating System!

It's easier to write a mobile operating system than we've been led to believe, says Steve Brazier - and some…

15 years ago

Cloud Security Issues Come To The Fore

While some commentators dismiss cloud computing for security and regulatory  reasons, other viewpoints are emerging at a virtual summit

15 years ago

Microsoft Office Web Apps Review: Watch Out Google Apps!

There are glitches, but we found the preview of Microsoft's Web version of Office works pretty well - and we…

15 years ago

The Cloud Has Better Patching And Scaling

Video:  Cloud-based applications do not play Russian roulette with security, says Eran Feigenbaum, stage magician and head of security at…

15 years ago

Security Software Market Will Grow 8 Percent

Analysts at Gartner say the security software market is on track to see an 8 percent increase for the year,…

15 years ago

A 64-bit Windows 7 Upgrade Can Affect Existing Software

Multiple virtualisation platforms? A 4GB laptop? Andrew Garcia isn't your usual early adopter - and when he harnessed Windows 7's…

15 years ago

Microsoft Launches Electronic Banking Platform

Microsoft, in conjunction with a partner, M-Com, launches an electronic banking software platform that allows electronic payments to be made…

15 years ago

Rumours Of Apple And Microsoft Tablets Emerge

Microsoft is said to be working on both a tablet PC and a sidekick-like smartphone code-named Pink

15 years ago

UK Companies See Web As Way Out Of Recession

UK small businesses feel lackluster about the pace of an economic turnaround, though an increasing number are turning to Web…

15 years ago

Smartphone Versus Netbook: Can Nokia Jump The Gap?

Nokia's PC isn't a game-changer like Apple's phone, says Steve Brazier of Canalys. But maybe it doesn't have to be

15 years ago

Cobol Heavily Used 50 Years On

Eesearch conducted by Micro Focus showed that UK citizens use systems built on Cobol at least 10 times per day

15 years ago

Google Book Search Rejected By US DoJ

The Department of Justice said the Google Book Search settlement would violate class action, copyright, and antitrust law and said…

15 years ago

Students Get Windows 7 For £30

But British students don't get as good a deal as Microsoft's $30 offer for their US counterparts

15 years ago

Never Mind If Cloud Is Secure. Can You Prove It?

It doesn't matter how secure cloud computing is, says Wayne Rash. To comply with regulations, you will have to prove…

15 years ago

Tories Promise To Dump ID Cards and End Surveillance State

Less Government snooping would also mean a cash saving, says shadow justice secretary

15 years ago

France Presses Ahead With Bill To Cut Off File-Sharers

A law which which would cut persistent file-sharers off the Internet has been passed by the French National Assembly -…

15 years ago

Google Flips Out Over News Reading Technology

Google Fast Flip aims to accelerate the pace at which readers devour online news

15 years ago

Opera Mini 5 First Look: Revving up Featurephones

Opera is renowned for getting the best browser out of a limited platform. Opera Mini 5 gives a lot of…

15 years ago

Opera Mini 5 Brings Blackberry Support

Opera Mini 5 lands on the BlackBerry - and brings tabbed web browsing to ordinary featurephones.

15 years ago

Avaya Purchasing Nortel Enterprise Units

Avaya will pay more than $900 million for Nortel Networks' Enterprise Solutions business, which includes Nortel's unified communications technologies

15 years ago

Google and Bing Search Get Thumbs Up

Google leads Microsoft Bing and Yahoo in search results accuracy, page load speed, real-time relevance and usability, according to a…

15 years ago

Microsoft Pushes Cost Savings From Windows 7

Microsoft's campaign for Windows 7, its upcoming operating system and best hope to reverse its declining revenues, has kicked into…

15 years ago

OpenGoo Review – DIY Web Office

Available in DIY or "with tech support" versions OpenGoo lacks some functionality, it has limited file formats, but, frees users…

15 years ago

Twitter Decides To Get More Professional

Twitter opens the door for advertising in its revised terms of service, which also spell out privacy, API and spam…

15 years ago

Opera 10 Review – Opera’s Turn To Catch Up!

Less innovation than we're used to but increased customisation options, a mail client and new turbo mode show Opera hasn't…

15 years ago

Microsoft Launches Windows 7 Deployment Tool Early

Deployment tool comes out early to help keen administrators - or encourage those who aren't so sure?

15 years ago

EU Backs IBM’s Multimedia Search Engine

The SAPIR research project can find related pictures even if they haven't been indexed by humans - unlike traditional search…

15 years ago

Google To Open Book Search To Amazon And Bookshops

Google has promised to give Amazon and other books sellers a slice of the revenue from its controversial Book Search…

15 years ago

New Microsoft Open Source Foundation Doesn’t Allay Suspicion

Microsoft's Codeplex Foundation, ostensibly supporting open source, arrives at a time when the company's actions are under suspicion, as usual

15 years ago

Hungary Says Yes To Open Source – But Keeps The Lion’s Share For Microsoft

ULX, Red Hat and other  open source solution providers can now tender for public sector IT contracts in Hungary -…

15 years ago