
FSF Reveals Criteria For Hardware Endorsement

The Free Software Foundation has revealed an initial set of criteria under which it will endorse hardware with regard to…

14 years ago

HP Joins Others In Signing Government MoU

HP has joined the likes of Oracle and Microsoft, plus big name IT services firms, to sign a Memorandum of…

14 years ago

10 Reasons Android Keeps Gaining Momentum

Google's Android OS is more attractive than ever. It's a hit with smartphone makers, and Google is working to keep…

14 years ago

How Will Android Fare In The Enterprise?

Android smartphones will battle with BlackBerry, Windows Phone 7 and Apple iPhone for acceptance in the workplace, says Cameron Sturdevant

14 years ago

NetWeaver Gains Improved Development Tools In SAP Update

SAP updates NetWeaver to enable in-memory computing, cloud computing and mobility features for developers

14 years ago

Time We Gave The Kids Some Credit

Kids do daft things - that's a fact. But when it comes to the web, we need to accept they're…

14 years ago

Windows Phone 7 Could Shake Things Up

Microsoft has got our attention, says Peter Judge. Now we need to be sure that Windows Phone 7's tiles are…

14 years ago

Performance And Migration Key To Ingres Database 10

With the latest version of its flagship database, Ingres hopes to win customers over with pricing, migration and performance

14 years ago

One-Time Password Security For Facebook

Facebook users skittish about using their real password on public computers can now get a one-time password sent to their…

14 years ago

AVG Targets SMBs With New Security Software

AVG has released two security packages aimed at protecting Internet-active small to medium businesses

14 years ago

HP Chairman Accuses Hurd Of Repeated Lies

Ray Lane, the former Oracle executive and now chairman of HP, has accused former CEO Mark Hurd of lying to…

14 years ago

Exploring The Underground Credentials Market

Due to the difficulties of monetising stolen credit cards, fraudsters are turning to other data sources to gain illicit monetary…

14 years ago

Internet Explorer’s Falling Market Share Could Spell Trouble

Microsoft's shrinking share of the browser market suggests that the days of Internet Explorer's dominance are coming to an end,…

14 years ago

Contract Price For Samsung Galaxy Tab Revealed

Leaked documents in the United States have suggested that the Samsung Galaxy Tab tablet may be much cheaper if purchased…

14 years ago

Windows Phone 7: A First Look

Microsoft's Windows Phone 7 is a bold re-invention of the user interface which could entice consumers and business people onto…

14 years ago

Stephen Fry Welcomes Windows Phone 7

Stephen Fry says Microsoft has "repented" in producing a phone OS with a good user interface

14 years ago

Windows Phone 7 Could Hit UK On 21 October

As Microsoft gears up for today's Windows Phone 7 launch, details have started to appear online

14 years ago

Dixons Climbs Aboard Santa’s Slate

Dixons Retail is the latest big name to swallow the tablet hype and test the market

14 years ago

Mozilla Releases Firefox 4 Beta for Android and Maemo

Mozilla has released its Firefox 4 beta 1 for Android and Nokia's Maemo, including features such as Firefox Sync and…

14 years ago

Apple, Android Catch Up To RIM In The Enterprise

A report from Good Technology has found that consumers are using Apple iOS and Google Android devices as part of…

14 years ago

Negotiators Publish Near-Final ACTA Draft

The draft intellectual property rights treaty ACTA has been criticised for subverting democratic processes

14 years ago

eWEEK Readers Accused Of ‘Collusion’ With Software Theft

Over half of you would tackle corporate software piracy internally rather than going to the authorities. Next up: which tablet…

14 years ago

Android Catches Up To Apple’s iOS

Google Android's 60-plus devices have narrowed the market share gap with Apple's iPhone

14 years ago

No MeeGo Devices Until 2011, Intel Confirms

MeeGo development is on track but phones and tablets running the OS will not hit the market until 2011.

14 years ago

Ubuntu 10.10 Readied For Weekend Release

Canonical is seeking to shore up its position as the open-source platform of choice for cloud computing with new upgrades

14 years ago

Dealing With Enterprise Mobile Security

From mobile malware to device management, enterprises need to have a plan for securing the smartphones connecting to their networks

14 years ago

Facebook Offers Users ‘Complete Control’ Of Data

The new Facebook apps are designed to give users more control of the posts, photos and videos they have posted…

14 years ago

Symantec Warns Of Phony Browser Alerts

Users are being tricked into downloading scareware with spoof anti-malware warnings in popular web browsers

14 years ago

Google Hits Back Over Oracle Android Lawsuit

Google has alleged that Oracle is singling out Android among open-source software, as it denied Oracle's claims of patent and…

14 years ago

HP webOS Smartphone Set For Early 2011 Arrival

An HP executive has let slip that HP smartphones running webOS will come to market in early 2011

14 years ago