Security concerns you more than broadband coverage and patents. Next up: Did you take work on holiday?
IBM's prototype “cognitive computing” chips act like a brain, collecting and analysing information
Hewlett-Packard is killing, or selling, its much-publicised webOS but a Gartner analyst said it never stood a chance, says Nicholas…
Microsoft has confirmed that the forthcoming Windows 8 operating system will include an app store
A student has appeared in court to face charges that he allegedly hacked into the servers of Facebook
A Facebook executive has hit out at Google's increasingly popular social networking site, Google+
Jail sentences of Facebook “riot organisers” bring protests while the BBC is criticised for e-looting Twitpics
The World Wide Web Consortium has announced measures for developer participation in Web standardisation
A spam outbreak is hitting levels not seen since Rustock was disabled in March, according to Commtouch
Firefox users can now get their hands on Firefox 6.0, just two months after the arrival of version 5.0
Google+ posts will now be integrated on, providing users are signed into their accounts
Adobe has released a beta version of its new Muse web design tool for free download
LinkedIn has relented, following public pressure, after it quietly changed its users’ privacy settings
Microsoft and Apple are using patents suits to bash Google. Google is hitting back in this colossal waste of time,…
ABI Research reports NFC providers and smartphones are stimulating the contactless payments market
LinkedIn has quietly changed its users' privacy settings without explicitly warning of the change
Syncing mobiles with Facebook does not reveal contact numbers in public, says the social networking giant
Ultrastar high-endurance NAND flash solid state drives serve as Tier 0 layer for high-transaction applications
Threat of Anonymous "killing" Facebook is either a hoax or the work of a small group linking to malvertising
Experian Hitwise's latest figures show traffic gains for Bing searches but more losses for Facebook
ViaForensics tests showed that 76 out of 100 mobile apps did not store user account names securely
Facebook Messenger service for smartphones extends one-to-one and group Messages beyond the desktop
Google+ is a hot commodity, chomping user engagement from Facebook and Twitter, says Bloomberg/YouGov
As London burned, Team Poison hacked RIM's Inside BlackBerry blog to protest against company helping police
Opera Software is venturing into the Chinese market with a new mobile browser dubbed “Oupeng”
Analysts say Windows 7 is gaining fast on the venerable Windows XP - and leaving Vista well behind
A new Facebook feature scans users' posts and then groups messages around particular topic pages
After another night of looting in London, a Twitter campaigner has mobilised volunteers for the clean up