
Intel Drops MeeGo In Favour Of Tizen

Intel is ditching the MeeGo platform and instead throwing its weight behind Tizen to take on Android

13 years ago

Google+ Gets Integration, Plans World Domination

Google is integrating new services into Google+, says Clint Boulton. That should help in its bid to catch up with…

13 years ago

Camfed And Google To Launch ICT Centres In Ghana

ICT centres run by women provide hubs of learning in remote rural regions of Ghana

13 years ago

Google+ Membership Rises As Users Share Circles

There has been a dramatic growth in Google+ members, as users get the ability to share their contact circles

13 years ago

Oracle Shows Off New Database Appliance

Oracle's Database Appliance is aimed at SMBs, midrange or remote-office enterprise IT systems

13 years ago

Watchdog Seeks Mobile App Clampdown

The industry watchdog has warned of a clampdown on rogue mobile apps that charge users without consent

13 years ago

Facebook Timeline: Good News For Google+

Users who don't like Facebook's new look could migrate, says Clint Boulton. but will Google+ turn into something better?

13 years ago

Facebook Makes Bold Bet With ‘Timelines’

Facebook's Timelines interface feature allows history information sharing, but could alienate many users

13 years ago

Oracle Seeks £753m Damages In Android Java Case

Oracle is now seeking £753m in damages from Google in its Java patent infringement case against Android

13 years ago

CERN De-Bugs Hadron Collider With Static Analysis

CERN has been rooting out defects in its Large Hadron Collider, as physicists discover faster-than-light particles

13 years ago

Zuckerberg Unveils Timeline And Open Graph At F8

Facebook announced a new Timeline-based profile for users' chat histories, at its f8 developer conference

13 years ago

‘Monopoly’ Keyword For Google Antitrust Hearing Rivals

CEOs for Yelp and NexTag, plus the former DoJ antitrust enforcer took aim at "monopolistic" Google

13 years ago

HP Axes Apotheker And Appoints Meg Whitman As CEO

Hewlett-Packard forces out its second CEO in 13 months and selects former eBay CEO Meg Whitman

13 years ago

Cloud Email To See Healthy Enterprise Adoption

Mass enterprise adoption of cloud email will take place over the next ten years, Gartner predicts

13 years ago

Ingres Rebrands To Actian For Big Data App Push

One of the famous names in databases is being renamed to Actian because it says BI is not working

13 years ago

AVG Attacks SMB Security Market

AVG makes a big play for the SMB market with updated software, resource centre and threats report

13 years ago

HP Board Considers Dumping Apotheker

Hewlett-Packard shares went up on rumours that unpopular CEO could be for the chop

13 years ago

Google Serves Up ‘Ice Cream Sandwich’ Tips

Google's Android team have given tips to help developers prepare for the Android 4.0 "Ice Cream Sandwich"

13 years ago

Facebook Rejigs News Feed, Adds Real-Time Updates

Facebook's move to reorganise the way updates appear in news feeds has annoyed its users

13 years ago

Adobe Releases Flash 11 And Air 3 Media Platforms

Flash 11 and Air 3 have been launched by Adobe to deliver rich user experiences across an array of devices

13 years ago

Google+ Exits Testing And Opens To General Public

Google’s answer to Facebook, Google+, has exited its testing phase and is now open to the general public

13 years ago

Amazon Android Appstore Briefly Opens Outside US

International Android users succeeded in accessing the Amazon Appstore, but the loophole has now been closed

13 years ago

Casio Coughs Up Microsoft Fee Over Linux Use

Microsoft’s licensing campaign continues with Casio Computing the latest to sign a deal for using Linux

13 years ago

Why Does Government Keep Screwing Over SMEs?

The British government is neglecting its duty to support SMEs, and missing significant cost savings in the process, says Sophie…

13 years ago

Open-Source Software Management From Sonatype

Sonatype Insight manages the use of open-source software in enterprise systems development

13 years ago

Stronger Business Processes Will Improve SSL Market

Symantec says there is nothing wrong with the SSL system but CAs need to improve their security

13 years ago

HP’s Hardware Exit Could Give Dell A Boost

HP's decision to dump webOS and spin off its PC business presents a major opportunity for Dell, says the company's…

13 years ago

Google Updates Android Voice Actions For Brit Speak

Google has realised that not everyone speaks English like Americans after it updated Android’s voice support

13 years ago

Google+ And Facebook: Who’s Copying Whom?

Google+ and Facebook are copying the crap out of each other - and that's good for consumer choice, says Clint…

13 years ago

Gmail Hailed As Credible Rival For Microsoft Exchange

Google's Gmail commands half of cloud-based email, vying for market share with Microsoft and others

13 years ago