NEWS ANALYSIS: As the rhetoric and the legal motions in the Apple vs. FBI flap heat up, new numbers emerge…
Microsoft says new capabilities for its cloud services are part of a new vision of security outlined by Satya Nadella…
Dave Larson from Corero Network Security tells us how your business can best deal with the threat of DDoS attacks
This hack is child's play. Apple iPhone biometrics security beaten by a simple play-doh trick
The iPad maker asks court to reserve its order to help the FBI hack into the iPhone of a terrorist…
Apple is fighting a very public battle with the FBI over encryption. But should the industry do more? Let us…
Free Project Shield service forms part of Google’s new Jigsaw initiative
US university credibility questioned after court documents show it was paid to hack Tor network
Apple boss Tim Cook defends his company's stance in TV interview and refuses to create a "dangerous" piece of software
Researcher decides to go public with flaw after giving Nissan one month to fix the vulnerability
Michael Shaulov, head of mobility at Check Point, discusses the main threats targeting mobile devices – and how companies can…
Attackers manage to breach Linux Mint's security, adding a backdoor to the distribution and even stealing information from user forums.
Spotify denies it has been hacked, but hundreds of user details have been leaked in online data dump
Security software firm Tripwire offers cybersecurity advice to keep individuals and online retailers safe from ransomware
Carl Leonard from Forcepoint tells us what companies can do to ensure their security protection is up to scratch
Oops. Bug with Twitter's password recovery system may have exposed account details of almost 10,000 users
You couldn't make it up! Rescued at sea by a Disney cruise ship, Anonymous hacker then arrested by the Feds
Apple criticised for refusal to unlock terrorist phone, but its stance also receives widespread support from rivals
Your photos will now be secured as Instagram finally steps up user protection
Patch now. GlibC DNS vulnerability could have serious reach amongst Internet-connected devices
Mobile devices are now a particular focus for criminals' spam and malware attacks
Basingstoke-based CensorNet eyes global expansion with a unified cloud security offering
Information Commissioner's Office investigates after students' private details are published online
Cisco says its threat-focused next generation firewalls will help firms simplify their security and prevent overcomplication
Newly discovered PadCrypt ransomware offers victims real-time interaction with attackers
App security firm Promon says Android security developers fail to keep up with the threat of mutating Android threats
Bitdefender study finds 31 percent of users would pay £400 to recover their encrypted data
Shut that door, as Cisco issues a vulnerability alert that affects its front-line defensive firewalls
Bogus login for Airbnb spotted in the wild by security researcher Malwarebytes
Malvertising campaign expands focus from traditional browser targets to include Microsoft's Skype app