Gary Newe, technical director, F5 Networks, explains how individuals and companies can protect themselves from dating app disaster
Notorious Angler exploit kit is hiding as social buttons on hacked WordPress websites, says Malwarebytes
Ian McEwan, VP EMEA, Egnyte, examines the difference between privacy and security, and how we can achieve both
British intelligence agencies have been bulk collecting our personal data to a “staggering extent”
2016 Trustwave Global Security Report reveals shocking cybercrime trends
Google looks to ease security fears surrounding Android by publishing details of threats targeting the mobile operating system in 2015
Check Point report sees HummingBad exploits push mobile malware to new highs
It’s curtains for Quicktime after Apple officially ends support, week after US government and security experts tell users to uninstall…
Urgent call for Windows users to uninstall Quicktime after Apple halts security updates and retires PC version
Royal Canadian Mounted Police were reportedly able to read messages sent between BlackBerrys for at least a two year period…
Box CEO Aaron Levie says there needs to be a discussion between the tech industry and authorities about digital regulation…
FBI reportedly paid “grey hat” hackers a one-off fee to crack the iPhone of a dead terrorist
BT wants to bolster security services for consumers, businesses and governments and hopes graduate recruitment will aid skills shortage
Much hyped “critical” Badlock flaw tamer than first thought, and only warrants “important” label
Water systems and power grids all at possible risk of attack, report warns
The rate of zero day vulnerability discoveries doubles in 2015 from 2014, as advanced attackers exploit, stockpile and resell High-Value…
The new data sharing agreement between Europe and the US may not be adequate, leak suggests
Email from the boss? Better check it is really from the CEO and not a lowly fraudster, warns the FBI
Only older iPhone models can be unlocked using current methods, FBI says, as debate rumbles on
Details of over 15,000 expectant parents leaked, including email addresses
Biometrics technology has been around for a while, now it’s time to utilise it properly, Intelligent Environments CTO tells TechWeekEurope
Windows 10 users at risk as Adobe readies patch for 'critical vulnerability' that is being 'actively exploited'
Obama refuses to enter debate surrounding controversial draft bill, that will require tech firms to help crack encryption
Tinder's privacy comes into question as new service lets people find out who is using the application
Administrators change their security credentials less frequently than user passwords, survey at RSA Conference finds
Ever been to the US? Travel database of US state department contains flaws that could allow hackers to steal visa…
Government proposal to create 'whitelist' of approved websites raises fears of further crackdowns on web users in China
HP's John O'Reilly explains why effective mobile productivity starts with robust security protection
Samba and Microsoft engineers have warned system administrators to expect a critical patch on 12 April
Yandex machine learning service will allow Bank of Russia to spot fraudulent and unlicensed money lending organisations