Kaspersky celebrates 20th birthday by releasing free antivirus it claims will boost the protection of all customers
Adobe Flash is set to die in 2020 as company turns its attention to developing next generation open web standards
Details of defence plans, military personnel and witness protection details exposed during outsourcing project.
Up to £14.5m will be invested into the innovation centre, with established firms working alongside cutting-edge startups.
Internet Bug Bounty receives cash donations to expand its Internet safety program.
Microsoft Security Risk Detection could help developers find and fix security vulnerabilities in software before it's released.
Among the updates issued by Apple this month is one for the Broadpwn bug that was already patched by Google…
Russia and the United States are reportedly exploring the creation of a joint cyber security team
Biometrics are taking over and technology is becoming more personalised, but what do you know?
Play Protect will help shore up modern versions of Android against cyber security threats
BlackBerry SecuSUITE receives NSA approval to encrypt government calls and texts
No more passwords? Biometrics move as TSB readies iris recognition technology for its mobile banking app
ANALYSIS: As more toys and recreational devices are directly or indirection connected to the internet of things, security threats rise,…
INTERVIEW: Swansea City COO Chris Pearlman talks Silicon through the club's digital transformation plans ahead of the upcoming season
ICO investigates after sensitive information was sent out in a spreadsheet
Australian government to introduce law to force tech firms to provide access to encrypted messages
ANALYSIS: Once again, security researchers have found that data has been left open and improperly secured in the cloud and…
Firm admits employee action resulted in breach of customer data including names and date of births
The GCHQ Cyber Accelerator will look to help UK cyber security startups to scale up
Normal size security update for July as Microsoft delivers first fix for its HoloLen product
LeakerLocker goes for extortion over encryption
The patch notably fixes a flaw in code relating to a Broadcom Wi-Fi exploit
The advertising malware has raked in $1.5 million for hackers
What's in a name? Colourful former security tycoon reaches settlement with Intel over use of his name
Hackers empty bitcoin wallet of ransom funds and issue fresh ransom demand to unlock encrypted hard drives
ANALYSIS: Security experts chime in on the impact of President Trump's cyber-security executive order as the first set of deadlines…
Intellect Services denies any role in the spread of NotPetya
INTERVIEW: Silicon talks cyber security threats with Aaron Miller, senior technologist at Palo Alto Networks
INTERVIEW: Silicon discusses tackling GSDPR with Jamie Graves, founder and CEO of insider threat detection company ZoneFox