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Michael Conway, IBM’s AI lead in the UK & Ireland

Silicon UK In Focus Podcast: The Future of GenAI

In this episode, we peer into the horizon of innovation as we delve into The Future of GenAI. Join us as we navigate through the dynamic landscape of genetic artificial intelligence, exploring its potential, ethical considerations, and ...

Consumer Tech in Business

Consumer Tech in Business

As CES concludes, what technologies will have a business application this year? Will enterprises embrace these devices to drive efficiency, connectivity, and transformative experiences?

Do We Want an Immersive Web?

Do We Want an Immersive Web?

A fully immersive web should have been a reality by now but is conspicuous by its absence. Do businesses need these immersive spaces? Is there a business case to build these environments? Does the technology need to improve further for ...

Migration for Cloud Data Warehousing Webinar
Brand Voice

IONOS: Migration for Cloud Data Warehousing Webinar: Part 1

In this webinar we are considering the strategies and best practices for migrating an existing on-premises data warehouse to the cloud. It will cover data migration tools and considerations for minimising downtime and optimising perfor ...

Duncan McKerracher, Head of Technology at creative technology studio, Aer Studios.

Silicon UK In Focus Podcast: Web 3.0 in Your Pocket

What is Web 3.0 for mobile devices, and how does it differ from previous iterations of the web on mobile platforms? What are the key advantages of Web 3.0 for mobile, and how does it enhance the mobile user experience compared to previ ...